Error messageThe client has cancelled the mandate
DescriptionThe mandate has been canceled by the platform.


This error occurs when the platform cancels the mandate.

What to do

In such cases, the platform needs to create a new mandate if need be, and have the end user confirm it. Otherwise, it will no longer be possible to process direct debit pay-ins.


In the example below, a the response example following a View a Mandate request on a mandate that has been cancelled by the platform.

API Response
    "Scheme": "SEPA",
    "BankAccountId": "151467634",
    "BankReference": "MANGOPAY-8TA5P7Z67",
    "Culture": "EN",
    "DocumentURL": "",
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "RedirectURL": "",
    "Id": "156620699",
    "CreationDate": 1669040333,
    "Status": "FAILED",
    "UserId": "151452401",
    "ExecutionType": "WEB",
    "MandateType": "DIRECT_DEBIT",
    "Tag": "This is a tag for my mandate",
    "ResultCode": "001806",
    "ResultMessage": "The client has cancelled the mandate"