Error messageThere are insufficient funds in the bank account
DescriptionThe pay-in failed due to insufficient funds in the bank account.


Direct debit


This error occurs when the end user’s bank account doesn’t hold sufficient funds in order for the direct-debit to be processed.

What to do

In such cases, the platform needs to contact its customers and ask them to either:

  • Add the necessary funds
  • Use another payment method.


In order to trigger this error in your Sandbox, please follow the following steps:

  • Create a user whose FirstName is “Penniless”
  • Make sure to create a Bank Account and a Wallet for this user.
  • Create the Mandate for this User and confirm it using the RedirectURL
  • Make a Direct Debit PayIn using all the previous information.

The resulting pay-in fails with the 001830 result code returned:

API Response
    "Id": "157399478",
    "CreationDate": 1669966558,
    "AuthorId": "157399076",
    "CreditedUserId": "157399076",
    "Status": "FAILED",
    "ExecutionDate": null,
    "ChargeDate": 1670371200,
    "Type": "PAYIN",
    "Nature": "REGULAR",
    "CreditedWalletId": "157399408",
    "DebitedWalletId": null,
    "CreditedFunds": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 1188
    "DebitedFunds": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 1200
    "Fees": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 12
    "ResultCode": "001830",
    "ResultMessage": "There are insufficient funds in the bank account",
    "PaymentType": "DIRECT_DEBIT",
    "ExecutionType": "DIRECT",
    "Tag": null,
    "MandateId": "157399114",
    "StatementDescriptor": "Nov2016"