Error messageThe Status of this Mandate does not allow for payments
DescriptionThe pay-in failed due to the status of the corresponding mandate.


Direct debit


This error may occur when the mandate used for the pay-in has a Status other than SUBMITTED or ACTIVE.

What to do

Depending on the status of the mandate, the platform can:

  • Adjust the implementation so that the pay-in can only be made once the mandate is in the relevant status
  • Inform the end user that the mandate is no longer valid and that they should create a new mandate in other to use this payment method.


In the example below, a pay-in was attempted against a canceled mandate.

API Response
    "Id": "159859056",
    "CreationDate": 1673541379,
    "AuthorId": "151452401",
    "CreditedUserId": "151452401",
    "Status": "FAILED",
    "ExecutionDate": null,
    "ChargeDate": null,
    "Type": "PAYIN",
    "Nature": "REGULAR",
    "CreditedWalletId": "152161972",
    "DebitedWalletId": null,
    "CreditedFunds": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 1188
    "DebitedFunds": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 1200
    "Fees": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 12
    "ResultCode": "001833",
    "ResultMessage": "The Status of this Mandate does not allow for payments",
    "PaymentType": "DIRECT_DEBIT",
    "ExecutionType": "DIRECT",
    "Tag": null,
    "MandateId": "157354448",
    "StatementDescriptor": "Nov2016"