Error messageTransaction refused by the bank (Do not honor)
DescriptionThe transaction has been refused due to restrictions on the issuing bank side.
Refused transaction


This error may occur when:

  • There aren’t sufficient funds on the bank account.
  • The maximum amount spent per month has been reached on this card.
  • The maximum amount spent on the internet per month has been reached on this card.

What to do

In such cases, end users can:

  • Retry the transaction.
  • Check their card expiry date and bank limits
  • Contact their bank for more information regarding the refusal.


It is possible to test this error by using the 33305 value for the debited funds Amount parameter.

API Response

    "Id": "163623830",

    "Tag": "Created using MANGOPAY API Collection Postman",

    "CreationDate": 1677852686,

    "AuthorId": "146476890",

    "CreditedUserId": "146476890",

    "DebitedFunds": {

        "Currency": "EUR",

        "Amount": 33305


    "CreditedFunds": {

        "Currency": "EUR",

        "Amount": 33215


    "Fees": {

        "Currency": "EUR",

        "Amount": 90


    "Status": "FAILED",

    "ResultCode": "101101",

    "ResultMessage": "Transaction refused by the bank (Do not honor)",

    "ExecutionDate": null,

    "Type": "PAYIN",

    "Nature": "REGULAR",

    "CreditedWalletId": "148968396",

    "DebitedWalletId": null,

    "PaymentType": "CARD",

    "ExecutionType": "DIRECT",

    "SecureMode": "DEFAULT",

    "CardId": "156285393",

    "SecureModeReturnURL": "",

    "SecureModeRedirectURL": null,

    "SecureModeNeeded": false,

    "Culture": "EN",

    "SecurityInfo": {

        "AVSResult": "NO_CHECK"


    "StatementDescriptor": "MANGOPAY",

    "BrowserInfo": {

        "AcceptHeader": "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.9, /;q=0.8",

        "JavaEnabled": true,

        "Language": "FR-FR",

        "ColorDepth": 4,

        "ScreenHeight": 1800,

        "ScreenWidth": 400,

        "TimeZoneOffset": 60,

        "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148",

        "JavascriptEnabled": true


    "IpAddress": "8c57:77af:c048:ff8b:439b:158f:8cc5:672f",

    "Billing": {

        "FirstName": "Chloe",

        "LastName": "Dibbert",

        "Address": {

            "AddressLine1": "92504 Desmond Orchard",

            "AddressLine2": "Lynch Club",

            "City": "Paris",

            "Region": "Île-de-France",

            "PostalCode": "75001",

            "Country": "FR"



    "Shipping": {

        "FirstName": "Roberto",

        "LastName": "Davis",

        "Address": {

            "AddressLine1": "464 Eric Corner",

            "AddressLine2": "Maverick Street",

            "City": "Paris",

            "Region": "Île-de-France",

            "PostalCode": "75001",

            "Country": "FR"



    "Requested3DSVersion": null,

    "Applied3DSVersion": "V2_1",

    "RecurringPayinRegistrationId": null
