Error messageTransaction refused by the terminal
DescriptionTransaction refused by the terminal.


Refused transaction


API Response


    "Tag":"Custom meta",


















    "ResultMessage":"Transaction refused by the terminal",



























This error can be tested in Sandbox by using the 33358 value for the debited funds Amount parameter. After clicking on the RedirectURL, viewing the pay-in will display the 101103 error as in the example below.

API response

    "Id": "193081964",

    "Tag": "Created using Mangopay API Collection Postman",

    "CreationDate": 1686212508,

    "AuthorId": "192822811",

    "CreditedUserId": "192822811",

    "DebitedFunds": {

        "Currency": "EUR",

        "Amount": 33358


    "CreditedFunds": {

        "Currency": "EUR",

        "Amount": 32358


    "Fees": {

        "Currency": "EUR",

        "Amount": 1000


    "Status": "FAILED",

    "ResultCode": "101103",

    "ResultMessage": "Transaction refused by the terminal",

    "ExecutionDate": null,

    "Type": "PAYIN",

    "Nature": "REGULAR",

    "CreditedWalletId": "192822814",

    "DebitedWalletId": null,

    "PaymentType": "CARD",

    "ExecutionType": "WEB",

    "RedirectURL": "",

    "ReturnURL": "",

    "TemplateURL": "",

    "CardType": "CB_VISA_MASTERCARD",

    "Culture": "EN",

    "SecureMode": "DEFAULT",

    "Billing": {

        "FirstName": "Norval",

        "LastName": "Gerlach",

        "Address": {

            "AddressLine1": "7973 Hayes Islands",

            "AddressLine2": "Runolfsson Dale",

            "City": "Paris",

            "Region": "Île-de-France",

            "PostalCode": "75001",

            "Country": "FR"



    "Shipping": {

        "FirstName": "Norval",

        "LastName": "Gerlach",

        "Address": {

            "AddressLine1": "7973 Hayes Islands",

            "AddressLine2": "Runolfsson Dale",

            "City": "Paris",

            "Region": "Île-de-France",

            "PostalCode": "75001",

            "Country": "FR"



    "StatementDescriptor": null
