Error messageSecure mode: The 3DSecure authentication session has expired
DescriptionThe 3DSecure authentication session has expired.





This error may be triggered when:

  • The end user does not finalize the authentication (e.g., left the 3DS2 authentication page)
  • Disruptions on the ACS servers (strong authentication servers of the card issuing bank) are encountered.

What to do

In such cases, end users can:

  • Try to make the payment again (if they did go through the authentication process).
  • Contact their bank to make sure their card supports the 3DS feature and that the feature is activated (if they didn’t manage to go through the authentication process).


API Response
    "Id": "158613800",
    "Tag": "Book ID:54457",
    "CreationDate": 1671619728,
    "AuthorId": "114347725",
    "CreditedUserId": "114347725",
    "DebitedFunds": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 2000
    "CreditedFunds": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 2000
    "Fees": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 0
    "Status": "FAILED",
    "ResultCode": "101304",
    "ResultMessage": "Secure mode: The 3DSecure authentication session has expired",
    "ExecutionDate": null,
    "Type": "PAYIN",
    "Nature": "REGULAR",
    "CreditedWalletId": "120072745",
    "DebitedWalletId": null,
    "PaymentType": "CARD",
    "ExecutionType": "DIRECT",
    "SecureMode": "FORCE",
    "CardId": "158613790",
    "SecureModeReturnURL": "",
    "SecureModeRedirectURL": null,
    "SecureModeNeeded": true,
    "Culture": "FR",
    "SecurityInfo": {
        "AVSResult": "NO_CHECK"
    "StatementDescriptor": null,
    "BrowserInfo": {
        "AcceptHeader": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
        "JavaEnabled": false,
        "Language": "en-US",
        "ColorDepth": 24,
        "ScreenHeight": 771,
        "ScreenWidth": 360,
        "TimeZoneOffset": -180,
        "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; MAR-LX1A) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.61 Mobile Safari/537.36",
        "JavascriptEnabled": true
    "IpAddress": "::1",
    "Billing": {
        "FirstName": "Successful",
        "LastName": "Session8",
        "Address": {
            "AddressLine1": "3 john doe street",
            "AddressLine2": "john doe street",
            "City": "Paris",
            "Region": "Ile de France",
            "PostalCode": "5470-526",
            "Country": "FR"
    "Shipping": {
        "FirstName": "Successful",
        "LastName": "Session8",
        "Address": {
            "AddressLine1": "3 john doe street",
            "AddressLine2": "john doe street",
            "City": "Paris",
            "Region": "Ile de France",
            "PostalCode": "5470-526",
            "Country": "FR"
    "Requested3DSVersion": null,
    "Applied3DSVersion": "V2_1",
    "RecurringPayinRegistrationId": null