
New German payment methods ELV, SOFORT, GIROPAY

These work much like a normal web PayIn.


New KYC lists

It is now possible to see a list of KYC documents submitted for a user, their status, etc. This same list is also available more globally for all KYC documents submitted for your ClientId across all users

Custom sorting for lists

All lists (list of wallets or cards, list of transactions for a wallet or user, list of KYC docs for a user or client) can now be sorted by descending order instead of the default ascending. You can also choose by which field you would like to sort (CreationDate, ExecutionDate, etc.)

Add a custom wire reference for PayOuts

You can add your own reference for PayOuts – this is the reference that will show along with your ClientId on your user’s bank statement when they receive the money.