
New payment method - IDeal

Add the local payment method iDeal

New functionalities

PayOut refunds in transaction lists [From v2.0]

Fix a potential problem showing PayOut refunds in transaction lists.

New API call to get a KYC document [From v2.0]

Add a new API call to get a KYC document with just the DocumentId (ie a UserId is not required) – this facilates the KYC Hook events where a UserId wasn’t present.



-Error parameter messages [From v2.0]

Improve several parameter error messages for incorrect CardTypes, Countries, etc
-Specific error message for wrong Address format [From v2.01]

Add a specific message when the Address is provided in the wrong format for Users and BankAccount objects
-Specific error message for Card Registrations [From v2.0]

Improve the error messages shown for Card Registrations
-Specific error message for a KYC [From v2.0]

Add a specific message for a KYC page that is too small
-Specific error message for Transfers [From v2.0]

Add a specific message for Transfers between two wallets with a currency mismatch
-Specific error message for registered card [From v2.0]

Add a specific message when trying to deactivate a registered card that is already deactivated
-BankWireRef [From v2.0]

Increase the length of the BankWireRef permitted for PayOuts to 12 characters