

KYC blocked PayOuts are now refused automatically for new clients [From v2]

PayOuts that are blocked due to KYC limits are now automatically refused if there isn’t a KYC document pending verification. This will come into affect for old clients from April 2016.

Add idempotency support [From v2]

We’ve added an optional new feature for all POST requests that helps prevent duplicates.

New aliases for client wallets [From v2]

You’ll notice that your client wallets (Fees or Credit) now have a specific alias for their ID – for example, your Fees EUR wallet will now have the ID “FEES_EUR”

Add new endpoint to view transfer settlements [From v2]

We’ve add the endpoint /settlements/:SettlementId/ to view the details of a transfer settlement.

Przelewy24 PayIns can now been refunded [From v2]

It is now possible to refund Przelewy24 PayIns in the normal way.

PayOuts were the funds are no longer available are now refused automatically [From v2]

If there are no longer sufficient funds in the wallet to do a PayOut when processing it, we’ll now automatically refuse it.

Fix a bug with preauthorizations not working in some cases [From v2]

There was a bug in some unique cases when doing a payin preauthorization and it would fail – this has now been corrected

Specify a PSP error where the connection was lost [From v2]

In some rare cases when the connection was lost with our PSP, we didn’t correctly handle the error – this has now been corrected

Fix confusing error messages for PayOuts < 0.10EUR [From v2]

PayOuts for less than 0.10EUR (or the equivalent) previously had an incorrect error saying that there were unsufficent funds – this has now been corrected.