
Virtual IBAN private beta

We’ve launched in private beta functionality that allows you to create an IBAN and BIC for a certain wallet and then send funds directly to the wallet (without having to create a pay-in bank-wire beforehand).


Certain types of KYC docs can now be processed much more quickly

Certain types of KYC docs can now be processed much more quickly.


-Add a constraint for preauthorized pay-ins that have already expired when trying to make the pay-in in some cases
-Change timing of SEPA direct debit first payment notification emails to be inline with that of the second payment (i.e., both are now sent on the day the payment is made, not 3 days before)
-Fix an occasional bug where the same preauthorization can be validated (captured) several times, even though this should only be possible once
-Minor modification to the initial SSO access creation for the Dashboard login so you can use any of the emails in the TechEmails list (rather than just the first)
-Harmonise the use of errors 401 and 403