
New card Fingerprint feature

Cards that you register now have a unique identifier called the Fingerprint – this value will always be the same regardless of how many times you register the same physical card, or for whichever user. We’ll be adding more functionality to do with this in the future (like card unicity tools, fraud prevention, and the same information for web pay-ins). For now, there is a new endpoint to list all the cards registered on your platform for a specific Fingerprint.

New CompanyNumber parameter

Add a new parameter for legal users for their registered/official company number called CompanyNumber which is not required at this time, but we highly recommend that you provide this information.



-We’re excited to announce the next stage in our performance and scalability improvements whereby you’ll find that the transactions list responses are now much quicker and more reliable
-Following your feedback, we’ve now removed the last phrase from direct debit payment notification emails which said “You’ll be notified three days in advance of any further payments” as some end users found this unnerving if they were doing a one-off payment
-Validated KYC documents for a user are shown in their user object, however, previously the value given was an internal reference - we’ve now changed this to show the actual document ID instead which should be more useful
-The version part of the API URL is now case-insensitive, to avoid any confusion
-The CreditedUserId is now correctly shown for repudiation refunds
-The URL of your branding logo is now given in HTTPS format for increased security
-We’ve optimized a process when an initial payment for a card fails in some cases but the card validity was not correctly set to show that it was invalid
-There is now a specific error when you try and transfer funds to the same wallet