
New transactions endpoints

We’ve added new endpoints to help you list every transaction linked to your customer mandates (all direct debits made with a mandate), bank accounts (all payouts made towards a bank account), and cards (all preauthorized and direct pay-ins made with a card).

New refund and repudiation endpoints

We added new endpoints to help you list every refund for a pay-in, a transfer, a payout (in case the initial payout has been refused by the bank) or a repudiation (in case the dispute type was contestable and that the client won its contestation).

New filtering options

You can now use much more filters (e.g., ResultCode) for every existing and new list endpoints, and using multiples values for a single criterion. For instance, you can now filter transaction lists by multiple statuses (e.g., SUCCEEDED and FAILED) or dispute list by multiple dispute types (e.g., CONTESTABLE and RETRIEVAL)


Simultaneous refunds

We’ve fixed an issue allowing simultaneous refunds related to the same transaction, even if their cumulative amount was higher than initial transaction amount


URL is now optional when updating a hook

You do not have to send a URL value anymore when updating a hook Status or Tag.