
30-day preauthorization: Complement feature

Platforms can now capture more funds than the preauthorized amount thanks to two new endpoints:

The PaymentStatus parameter has the new value TO_BE_COMPLETED, indicating that the preauthorized funds were captured but the additional funds have not yet been captured. 

This feature can be useful if, for example, end users are benefiting from additional services or if damages have been incurred during a rental.

Read more about 30-day preauthorization features


30-day preauthorization: No-show feature

Platforms can also capture additional funds on an unused preauthorization. 

The PaymentStatus parameter has the new value NO_SHOW_REQUESTED, which can be used with the existing PUT endpoint: 

Platforms can then charge a complement using the new endpoint:

This feature enables platforms to charge a penalty fee for last-minute cancellations, for example.

Read more about 30-day preauthorization features

30-day preauthorization: Additional endpoints and hooks

Platforms can use the following new endpoints to take better advantage of the 30-day preauthorization feature: 

New event types are also available for the complement and no-show features: 


The deposit preauthorization guide article has been updated, and a new how-to guide takes you through each scenario:

How to

How to process a 30-day preauthorization