
Error 121009: Payout expired before processing

The following ResultCode and ResultMessage can be returned on payouts:

  • 121009
  • Payout expired before processing

This error occurs when a payout stays in CREATED status longer than 7 days without the funds being sent by Mangopay.

Some payouts are subject to manual review by Mangopay’s teams for reasons of risk management or AML/CFT. If this review is not completed within 7 days, the payout expires.

See the dedicated 121009 page for more details.


Error 130011: Instant payout mode prevents manual review

The following ResultCode and ResultMessage can be returned on payouts:

  • 130011
  • Manual review required - not compatible with payout mode requested

This error occurs when a manual review is required on an instant payout requested with INSTANT_PAYMENT_ONLY as the value for PayoutModeRequested.

The mode has no fallback to standard processing to enable the review, so an error is returned.

See the dedicated 130011 page for more details.


Error 002701: Payer user requests payout

The following ResultCode and ResultMessage can be returned on payouts:

  • 002701
  • Refused due to author’s UserCategory: PAYER

This error occurs when a payout is requested for a Payer user. Payouts can only be requested if the user’s UserCategory is OWNER, and the user must also be verified.

See the dedicated 002701 page for more details.