Pagination is supported for all the lists returned by the Mangopay API. Pagination consists in breaking down returned results in pages, hence improving the performance when a lot of information is returned.

Pagination query parameters

The following associations of query parameters and values are used to define the pagination:



Indicates the index of the page.

Start value: 1

Default value: 1


Indicates the number of items returned in each page.

Maximum value: 100

Default value: 10

Pagination query example:


Pagination header information

The following pagination-related information is always available in the response header:

  • x-number-of-pages indicates the total number of pages the entire list has been divided into.
  • x-number-of-items indicates the total number of items in the entire list.
  • link provides links to easily navigate in the pagination (to the first, previous, next, and last pages).

Returned link examples:

Link toExample
First page<>; rel=“first”
Previous page<>; rel=“prev”
Next page<>; rel=“next”
Last page<>; rel=“last”