Error messageThe initial transaction occured less than 7 days ago
DescriptionA direct debit pay-in cannot be refunded within 7 calendar days of the pay-in CreationDate.
Direct debit


This error is triggered on a pay-in refund if the initial pay-in’s PaymentType is DIRECT_DEBIT and its CreationDate was in the last 7 days.

This limitation exists because of the possibility of late failures on direct debit pay-ins, which may occur on a successful pay-in.

What to do

Platforms must wait 7 calendar days before initiating refunds for direct debit pay-ins.


In a testing scenario, platforms can use the mock available to avoid having to wait 7 days before initiating the refund.


The Refund object with this error:


    "Id": "refund_m_01JP04JY9EN05G6SJJ0ZCM1PFG",

    "Tag": "Custom meta",

    "CreationDate": 1741605536,

    "AuthorId": "user_m_01JP04K4CZ3WQQZYZK3Z604RQT",

    "CreditedUserId": null,

    "DebitedFunds": {

        "Currency": "EUR",

        "Amount": 5700


    "CreditedFunds": {

        "Currency": "EUR",

        "Amount": 5350


    "Fees": {

        "Currency": "EUR",

        "Amount": -350


    "Status": "FAILED",

    "ResultCode": "001405",

    "ResultMessage": "The initial transaction occured less than 7 ago",

    "ExecutionDate": null,

    "Type": "PAYOUT",

    "Nature": "REFUND",

    "InitialTransactionId": "payin_m_01JP04NBJKBMPAZ0GQENNYJPJG",

    "InitialTransactionType": "PAYIN",

    "InitialTransactionNature": "REGULAR",

    "DebitedWalletId": "wlt_m_01JP04NHXNQS04N7SQR36YPFN5",

    "CreditedWalletId": null,

    "RefundReason": {

        "RefundReasonMessage": null,

        "RefundReasonType": "INITIALIZED_BY_CLIENT"


    "StatementDescriptor": null
