
The pay-in refund is a request to reimburse a pay-in and is supported for most payment methods. You can make partial refunds by providing a debited funds Amount value lower than the initial transaction amount.

Note – Conditions for pay-in refund

  • The amount value is 1 or above, regardless of the currency.
  • The initial transaction status is SUCCEEDED.
  • The initial transaction hasn’t been disputed.
  • The initial transaction was made within the time window specified for the payment method.

Read more about pay-in refunds

Path parameters


The unique identifier of the pay-in.

Body parameters


Max. length: 255 characters

Custom data that you can add to this object.
For transactions (pay-in, transfer, payout), you can use this parameter to identify corresponding information regarding the user, transaction, or payment methods on your platform.


The unique identifier of the user at the source of the initial transaction.


Default value: The amount and currency values of the debited funds of the initial transaction.

Required if the Fees parameter is included in the call.

Information about the debited funds. Debited funds:

  • Takes by default the amount and currency values of the initial transaction when left empty.
  • Must be entered manually to perform a partial refund.
  • Cannot exceed the initial transaction CreditedFunds value when entered manually. This also applies to the sum of debited funds when making multiple partial refunds.

Default value: The amount and currency values of the fees of the initial transaction.

Required if the DebitedFunds parameter is included in the call.

Information about the fees. This value:

  • Should be preceded by a minus sign (-) to refund the fees, otherwise more fees will be taken.
  • Takes by default the amount and currency values of the fees of the initial transaction when left empty (preceded by a -).
  • Cannot exceed the initial transaction fees amount when entered manually. This also applies to the sum of the amount of the fees when making multiple partial refunds.

Max. length: 10 characters; only alphanumeric and spaces

Custom description to appear on the user’s bank statement along with the platform name. Different banks may show more or less information. See the Customizing bank statement references article for details.

Note: On refunds, the StatementDescriptor is only available for SEPA and BACS direct debit pay-ins (no other payment methods nor transfers).
