Error messagePay-in failed: the issuing bank reports that the bank account linked to this card does not exist.
DescriptionThe issuer indicates the account linked to this card no longer exists, perhaps because it has been closed.


This error is caused when the issuing bank refuses the transaction because the account linked to a card no longer exists, perhaps because it has been closed.

What to do

If this error arises, register a new card for the user and retry the payment.

If the card is being used for a recurring card payment, then you need to register a new card and update the recurring object, which will then require re-authentication by the user. See the recurring card pay-in guide for details.


The example below shows this error in response to the POST Create a Direct Card PayIn endpoint:

    "Id": "payin_m_01T4SZW7YJ0G8672CG5FZFJJ71",
    "Tag": "Custom data",
    "CreationDate": 1723154179,
    "AuthorId": "user_m_01J6A4SMDG86D4PAYAYPFJ8B8U",
    "CreditedUserId": "user_m_01J6A4SMDG86D4PAYAYPFJ8B8U",
    "DebitedFunds": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 782
    "CreditedFunds": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 782
    "Fees": {
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Amount": 0
    "Status": "FAILED",
    "ResultCode": "008008",
    "ResultMessage": "Pay-in failed: the issuing bank reports that the bank account linked to this card does not exist.",
    "ExecutionDate": null,
    "Type": "PAYIN",
    "Nature": "REGULAR",
    "CreditedWalletId": "wlt_m_01J6VYDMBQBP75F86W51QA9EZ4",
    "DebitedWalletId": null,
    "PaymentType": "CARD",
    "ExecutionType": "DIRECT",
    "SecureMode": "DEFAULT",
    "CardId": "4213673797",
    "SecureModeReturnURL": "",
    "SecureModeRedirectURL": null,
    "SecureModeNeeded": false,
    "Culture": "EN",
    "SecurityInfo": {
        "AVSResult": "NO_CHECK"
    "StatementDescriptor": null,
    "BrowserInfo": {
        "AcceptHeader": "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.9, /;q=0.8",
        "JavaEnabled": true,
        "Language": "FR-FR",
        "ColorDepth": 4,
        "ScreenHeight": 1800,
        "ScreenWidth": 400,
        "TimeZoneOffset": 60,
        "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148",
        "JavascriptEnabled": true
    "IpAddress": "",
    "Billing": {
        "FirstName": "Dorothy",
        "LastName": "Michael",
        "Address": {
            "AddressLine1": null,
            "AddressLine2": null,
            "City": null,
            "Region": null,
            "PostalCode": null,
            "Country": null
    "Shipping": {
        "FirstName": "Dorothy",
        "LastName": "Michael",
        "Address": {
            "AddressLine1": null,
            "AddressLine2": null,
            "City": null,
            "Region": null,
            "PostalCode": null,
            "Country": null
    "Requested3DSVersion": "V2_1",
    "Applied3DSVersion": "V2_1",
    "RecurringPayinRegistrationId": null,
    "PreferredCardNetwork": null,
    "PaymentCategory": "ECommerce",
    "CardInfo": {
        "BIN": "465858",
        "IssuingBank": "BARCLAYS BANK PLC.",
        "IssuerCountryCode": "GB",
        "Type": "DEBIT",
        "Brand": "VISA",
        "SubType": "CLASSIC"