
New CardInfo parameter returned on card transactions

Endpoints that trigger card authorization now return information about the card used for the transaction.

The CardInfo object parameter has the following child parameters:

  • BIN – The 6-digit bank identification number (BIN) of the card issuer.
  • IssuingBank – The name of the card issuer.
  • IssuerCountryCode – The country where the card was issued.
  • Type – The type of card product: DEBIT, CREDIT, CHARGE CARD.
  • Brand – The card brand. Examples include: AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVER, JCB, MASTERCARD, VISA, etc.
  • SubType – The subtype of the card product. Examples include: CLASSIC, GOLD, PLATINUM, PREPAID, etc.

Note: The possible returned values for Brand and SubType are numerous and liable to evolve over time.

If any data point is not available, null is returned.

The CardInfo attribute is returned on the following objects: