
Card validation feature now available

Platforms can now validate a newly registered card via 3DS authentication without debiting a transaction. 

This feature allows platforms to verify that the card belongs to the user who registered it, and that the issuer authorizes the use of the card (for example, that it’s not blocked). 

Two new endpoints have been added to the API:

There are new event types for webhook notifications relating to the Card Validation object:

CARD_VALIDATION_CREATEDCardValidationIdThe Card Validation object has been created and the card is pending validation.
CARD_VALIDATION_FAILEDCardValidationIdThe Card Validation has failed, setting the corresponding card as invalid.
CARD_VALIDATION_SUCCEEDEDCardValidationIdThe Card Validation has succeeded, setting the corresponding card as valid.

The following documentation resources have been added:


Read more about the card validation feature

How to

How to validate a card without debiting a payment