Learn about fraud prevention

Note - Size overhead

The size of the framework you need to download is about 12 MB. It contains compiled versions for iOS Simulators and iOS Devices.

For end users, the application download size will increase by 0.9 MB and the installed app size will increase by around 2.4 MB.


To use the fraud prevention SDK (iOS), you’ll need:

  • iOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 12+
  • Merchant Number provided by Mangopay

Setting up your Artifactory account

Once you sign the fraud prevention contract with Mangopay, your assigned solutions engineer assesses the integration of your application.

If mobile integration is needed, you will be asked to provide the email addresses of your mobile developers. Once provided, JFrog accounts will be generated for your developers and they will receive an email to set up their account.

Caution - Locked accounts

In case of multiple failed login attempts, the system will temporarily suspend that user’s account for a brief period of time during which additional login attempts will be ignored. To unlock your account, contact your assigned solutions engineer.

Getting started

Note - Sample project

There is a sample project available in Artifactory under the name nethonesdk-ios-mangopay, which may help integrate our SDK.

Installation using CocoaPods

Note - Contact Mangopay

If you want to use the CocoaPods option, contact your assigned solutions engineer to create a CocoaPods repository for you.

Caution - CocoaPods deprecation

CocoaPods will be deprecated in later updates. We recommend you use the XCFramework or Swift Package Manager installation.

1. Install the latest version of CocoaPods

sudo gem install cocoapods

2. Install Artifactory CocoaPods plugin

gem install cocoapods-art

3. To pass the Artifactory authorization during the CocoaPod download, go to your application home directory and add the following code to your .netrc file

Note - Using your .netrc file

Create the .netrc file manually if it doesn’t exist in your home directory. For more information, see the GNU .netrc file article.

machine nethone.jfrog.io
login <your jfrog username>
password <your jfrog password or api key>

4. Add the Artifactory repository to your application directory

pod repo-art add nethonesdk-ios-<your company name>-cocoapods "https://nethone.jfrog.io/nethone/api/pods/nethonesdk-ios-<your company name>-cocoapods"

5. Go to your application home directory and add the following code to your Podfile.

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

platform :ios, '10.0'

plugin 'cocoapods-art', :sources => [
    'nethonesdk-ios-sample-cocoapods', 'master'

target 'Cocoapods Integration' do
    pod 'NethoneSDK'

6. Install the pods files.

pod install

Version update

To update, you would first need to update the artifactory repository then the pods.

1. Update the artifactory repository.

pod repo-art update nethonesdk-ios-<your company name>-cocoapods

2. Update the pods.

pod update

Installation using Swift Package Manager

Note - Contact Mangopay

If you want to use the Swift Package Manager option, contact your assigned solutions engineer to create a Swift Package Manager repository for you.


This integration method requires:

  • Swift 5.7+
  • Xcode 15+

1. Create the Dependencies directory inside your project.

mkdir Dependencies

2. Set it as your working directory.

cd Dependencies

3. Initialize Swift package.

swift package init

4. Remove unnecessary test files.

rm -r Tests

5. Set up the repository and add your credentials to your .netrc file.

Go to the Nethone Artifactory Repository:

  1. On the left navigation pane, go to Artifactory > Artifacts
  2. Find nethonesdk-ios-{your_company_name}-spm repository.
  3. In the top corner, click the Set Me Up button
  4. Enter your password then client on Generate Token & Create Instructions
  5. Add your credentials to your .netrc file:

Note - Using your .netrc file

Create the .netrc file manually if it doesn’t exist in your home directory. For more information, see the GNU .netrc file article.

machine nethone.jfrog.io 
login <your jfrog username> 
password <the generate token>

6. Set Artifactory as a Swift repository.

swift package-registry set "https://nethone.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/swift/nethonesdk-ios-<your company name>-spm"

7. Add NethoneSDK dependency in the Package.swift file.

// swift-tools-version: 5.7
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "Dependencies",
    products: [
            name: "Dependencies",
            targets: ["Dependencies"]
    dependencies: [
        .package(id: "Nethone.NethoneSDK", from: "2.13.1")
    targets: [
            name: "Dependencies",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "NethoneSDK", package: "Nethone.NethoneSDK")

8. Resolve the package.

swift package resolve

9/ Add the Dependencies package to your Xcode project

  1. Open your Xcode project.
  2. Navigate to File > Add Package Dependencies.
  3. Click the Add Local button.
  4. Select the Dependencies directory.

Installation using SwiftUI

First, download the latest version of NethoneSDKSwiftUI.xcframework:

  1. Log in to the Nethone Artifactory Repository.
  2. Download the latest version of NethoneSDKSwiftUI.xcframework.
  3. Find nethonesdk-ios-{your_company_name} repository.
  4. Save it in the project folder.

In Xcode, embed the framework into your application target:

  1. Go to the application target General settings.
  2. Scroll to the bottom to find the Embedded Binaries section.
  3. Click the + button and add NethoneSDKSwiftUI.xcframework from your disk.

Version update

Update the framework manually:

  1. Log in to the Nethone Artifactory Repository.
  2. Download the new version of the NethoneSDKSwiftUI.xcframework.
  3. Find the folder where you had the older version of the NethoneSDKSwiftUI.xcframework saved.
  4. Overwrite it by saving the newly downloaded version.

Installation using the XCFramework

First, download the latest version of NethoneSDK.xcframework:

  1. Log in to the Nethone Artifactory Repository.
  2. Download the latest version of NethoneSDK.xcframework.
  3. Find nethonesdk-ios-{your_company_name} repository.
  4. Save it in the project folder.

In Xcode, embed the framework into your application target:

  1. Go to the application target General settings.
  2. Scroll to the bottom to find the Embedded Binaries section.
  3. Click the + button and add NethoneSDK.xcframework from your disk.

Version update

The XCFramework update needs to be done manually:

  1. Log in to the Nethone Artifactory Repository.
  2. Download the new version of the NethoneSDK.xcframework.
  3. Find the folder where you had the older version of the NethoneSDK.xcframework saved.
  4. Overwrite it by saving the newly downloaded version.

Initializing the SDK

Before you can use the framework, you must set the Merchant Number which is the identification number provided to you during the onboarding process.

To do so, you need to call setMerchantNumber(...) shortly after application starts.

For example in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

import NethoneSDK

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                     didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        NTHNethone.setMerchantNumber("<your merchant number>");
        return true

Profiling attempt

Attempt reference

The attemptReference is a unique, single-use identifier used to identify a specific profiling attempt. Your server will use this reference to query Nethone about the status of the attempt.

AttemptReference is generated by calling the beginAttempt function and is accessible by a static function named attemptReference.

let currentAttempt: String? = NTHNethone.attemptReference()

Starting an attempt

Note - Concurrency of profiling attempts

Only one profiling attempt can be running at a time. You should wait for this attempt to finish before starting the next one.

To start an attempt, use the NTHNethone.beginAttempt method.

The behavioral data collection can also be turned off by setting the configuration variable config.withoutBehavioralData to true (swift) or YES (objective-c), and passing this configuration when starting the attempt.

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    let config = NTHAttemptConfiguration()
    config.sensitiveFields = ["input"]
    config.withoutBehavioralData = false
    try? NTHNethone.beginAttempt(with: config)

Finalizing an attempt

Caution - Attempt and payment

You have to finalize the attempt before you process the payment.

The finalizeButtonTapped function makes sure that the necessary data has reached us. It is not recommended to terminate profiling and continue the flow until the function returns to the completion block.

func finalizeButtonTapped() {
    try? NTHNethone.finalizeAttempt(completion: { error in
        guard error == nil else {
            // Handle finalization error.
            // For example: internet is down
        // All data has been delivered to Nethone. Do the actual payment processing

Sending custom attempt data

For custom data, you can use the sendCustomAttemptData method and add the options argument to specify the type of the custom data.

The available option is DataTypeJson.

Caution - Usage errors

Calling sendCustomAttemptData on a not started or already completed attempt, or passing a data type that does not match the one provided in the options argument will return an error.

let customData:[String: Any] = ["some_custom_data": 48151]
try? NTHNethone.sendCustomAttemptData(customData, options: .DataTypeJson)

Canceling an attempt

Caution - Attempt reference usage

Once an attempt is canceled, the same attempt reference can not be reused.

Canceling an attempt immediately stops collecting and sending data without further checking whether the relevant data has been received by us.

override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
    try? NTHNethone.cancelAttempt()


Error codeError messageShort description
kNTHApiErrorMerchantNumberNotSet = -1Begin calls while the merchant number is not set.Without setting the merchant number, profiling cannot be started and no data will be collected.
kNTHApiErrorAnotherAttemptOngoing = -2 Begin called when another attempt is ongoing.It is possible that the previous profiling has not yet completed finalization (after calling the +finalizeAttemptWithCompletion:error:). In this case, you should wait for it to finish before starting the next profiling. To force the immediate termination of the profiling, you can call +cancelAttemptWithError:. However, this may result in the collection of insufficient data.
kNTHApiErrorFinalizingAlreadyEndedAttempt = -5Finalize or send custom data called when the attempt is already completed or canceled.The last profiling has already been completed. Currently, no profiling is in progress and it is not possible to finalize it or send additional data as part of it. The AttemptReference of the last profiling can be found in error.userInfo under the key kNTHNethoneAttemptReference.
kNTHApiErrorCancelingAlreadyEndedAttempt = -15Cancel called when the attempt is already completed or canceled.The last profiling has already been completed. Currently, no profiling is in progress and it is not possible to cancel it.
kNTHApiErrorAttemptDuringFinalization = -13Finalize or send custom data called when profiling has already been finalized.Custom data cannot be sent during finalization or after profiling is completed.
kNTHApiErrorAttemptNotInitiated = -6Finalize, cancel or send custom data called without begin called before.Currently, no profiling has been started. It is not possible to finalize, cancel, or send additional data.
kNTHApiErrorInvalidCustomData = -14Send custom data called with structure that cannot be parsed properly.

Optional features

Note - Adding features

To use any of the optional features available, please contact your assigned solutions engineer.

Text field registration

Register a text field

The registerTextField() method will register a text field to send data from it.

The function takes a mode parameter which indicates the mode in which textField will collect data. The NTHRegisterMode enum provides constants for the data collecting options for a textField when registered.

There are 3 possible options:

  • NTHRegisterMode.NoneData – No behavioral or text data will be collected.
  • NTHRegisterMode.ContentFree –Only behavioral data will be collected.
  • NTHRegisterMode.AllData – All behavioral and text data will be collected.

The function also takes a name parameter which describes the given textField in collected data. When left as Null, the value will be determined automatically, however it might be inaccurate.

The text fields are permanently registered, which means that data from these fields will be collected during each profiling. There is no need to register fields every time during the start of an attempt.

@IBOutlet weak var aTextFieldToRegister: UITextField!

override func viewDidLoad() {
                        mode: .ContentFree,
                        name: "UserName")

Customizing data collection

To collect data only from previously registered text fields instead of all UITextFields, you need to use the registered textFields.

registeredTextFieldsOnly = false

IDFA permissions

The identifier for advertisers (IDFA) is a unique identifier assigned by Apple to a user’s iOS device. Advertisers are required to request permission to access the IDFA and track the user.

To use this feature, you will need to use the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework. You must also include a purpose string in the system prompt that explains why you’d like to track the user.

To access the values of the IDFA, you need:

  • The user’s device on iOS 14.5+ .
  • The user’s permission granted through the App Tracking Transparency prompt.

Location permissions

According to Apple’s Core Location documentation, to enable data location collection during profiling, the application should handle authorization from the user before profiling starts.

To collect the relevant data, the application needs consent for “When In Use” with the Full Accuracy option selected.

//  NTHLocationManager.swift
//  Copyright © 2021 Nethone. All rights reserved.

    If the user has denied access to the location.
    The SDK will not show any other popup and fail to get the location data silently.

    Before you implement a permission handling module,
    you need to add some explanation to your's app plist.

    <string>We need this to ...</string>
        <string>We need this to ...</string>

    If your app already uses those, you don't need to change anything.

    If you app uses this, then it is preferred to remove it for getting more accurate location.

import CoreLocation

class NTHLocationManager: NSObject {
    private static var sharedLocationManager: NTHLocationManager = {
        let nlm = NTHLocationManager()
        nlm.locationManager.delegate = nlm
        return nlm

    class func shared() -> NTHLocationManager {
        return sharedLocationManager

    private let locationManager: CLLocationManager

    private override init() {
        locationManager = CLLocationManager()

    func handlePermissions() {
        if !CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() {

            //TODO: Explain to the user to turn on location services in the settings
            //Otherwise, it will not be possible to collect location data


    private func checkStatus() {
        var status: CLAuthorizationStatus?
        if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
            status = locationManager.authorizationStatus
        } else {
            status = CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus()

        switch status {
        case .notDetermined:
        case .denied:

            //TODO: Convince the user to allow access to the location data
            //Otherwise, it will not be possible to collect location data

        case .restricted:
        case .authorizedAlways:
            if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
        case .authorizedWhenInUse:
            if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {

    @available(iOS 14.0, *)
    private func checkAccuracy() {
        switch locationManager.accuracyAuthorization {
        case .fullAccuracy:
        case .reducedAccuracy:

    @available(iOS 14.0, *)
    func requestFullAccuracy() {
            .requestTemporaryFullAccuracyAuthorization(withPurposeKey: "ExampleUsageDescription")
            { [weak self] (error) in
                guard error == nil else { return }

                switch self?.locationManager.accuracyAuthorization {
                case .fullAccuracy:
                case .reducedAccuracy:

                    //TODO: Convince the user to allow access to a precise location data and request again
                    //Otherwise, it will not be possible to collect precise location data


extension NTHLocationManager: CLLocationManagerDelegate {
    func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(_ manager: CLLocationManager) {

    func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) { }

Active call detection

Note - Applicable to Chinese market

If the app is also being distributed in China, this feature is required during the Apple Review process.

The use of CallKit is prohibited in China. Due to this, Apple has introduced an additional check to make sure that the regulation is fulfilled. We made sure our solution does not use CallKit in China by using the NSLocale.regionCode function.

Apple detects the use of CallKit during the Apple Review process and makes sure the developer is aware of the regulation by rejecting the application with a message. You need to reply that your CallKit implementation is not active in China, and include a short message in the Reviewer Information section saying: “In this version and next we do not use CallKit for users in China. We detect the user’s region with NSLocale”.