The Mangopay API uses the following HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request.

Response codeStatusDescription
200OKRequest successful.
204No contentRequest successful with no information returned.
400Bad requestRequest impossible to process due to a logical error (e.g., missing parameter, invalid operation, constraint violation, etc.)
401UnauthorizedAccess to the API resource is not authorized due to an authentication failure (e.g., incorrect client ID, API Key, or URL).
403ForbiddenAccess to the API resource is forbidden, due to an authorization failure (e.g., deactivation of the account or a permission issue regarding a specific feature).
404Not FoundThe requested resource cannot be found.
405Method Not AllowedHTTP method is not allowed (e.g., trying a GET instead of a POST).
409ConflictThe request is not processed due to an identical idempotency key.
411Length RequiredThe Content-Length header field is not defined and the server requires it.
413Payload Too LargeThe request entity is larger than the server is able to process (e.g., KYC document file larger than 10MB).
415Unsupported Media TypeThe format of the media sent is not supported by the server (e.g., wrong file format for KYC document file).
422Unprocessable EntityThe request cannot be fulfilled due to semantic errors.
429Too Many RequestsToo many requests have been sent in a given period of time (rate limiting).
500Internal Server ErrorWe invite you to try again later or to contact Support via the Hub if the problem persists.