
The Mangopay Python SDK makes working with the Mangopay API easier in a Python environment. This SDK is open-source and available on GitHub.

Mangopay Python SDK


To run the Mangopay Python SDK, you’ll need:

  • A ClientId and an API key – if you don’t have these, contact Sales to get access to the Mangopay Hub
  • Python 3.2.5 (or any version until Python 3.11) installed
    • pip package manager
    • requests library
    • blinker library

Getting started

1. Install the SDK

By installing this package with pip3, all dependencies are installed for you:

pip3 install mangopaysdk

2. Initialize and configure the SDK

import mangopay


from mangopay.api import APIRequest
handler = APIRequest(sandbox=True)

The configuration object of the SDK supports all the following properties:

KeyTypeDefault valueDescription
client_idstringNoneYour Mangopay ClientId – can be found in the Hub.
apiKeystringNoneYour Mangopay API key – can be found in the Hub.
api_urlstring API production URL.
api_sandbox_urlstring API sandbox URL.
sandboxbooleanNoneTo set it to Sandbox, set it as True. To set it to Production, set it as False.
timeoutfloat30.0Request timeout in seconds.
storage_strategystringStaticStorageStrategy()Mechanism of how the caching works. There are 2 options: StaticStorageStrategy() for in-memory cache and FileStorageStrategy() for file-based cache.
proxiesstringNoneDictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host name to the URL of the proxy.
uk_header_flagbooleanFalsePlatforms that have contracted with Mangopay’s UK entity (MANGOPAY U.K. LIMITED) must include the following header in all requests. If you’re using an SDK, you need to set it to true.

SDK usage

All endpoints are documented with the related Python SDK method throughout the Mangopay documentation. You should adjust the code examples provided for your usage.

API handler

When creating a new handler, there are multiple settings to specify depending on your needs.

Proxy support

You can use proxies for https, http and ftp protocols:

http_proxy  = ""
https_proxy = ""
ftp_proxy   = ""

proxyDict = {
          "http": http_proxy,
          "https": https_proxy,
          "ftp": ftp_proxy

 handler = APIRequest(sandbox=True, proxies=proxyDict)

Storage strategy

There are two storage strategies that can be used for OAuth tokens: 

  • StaticStorageStrategy() saves the token in memory. If no storage strategy is specified, this method is used by default.
  • FileStorageStrategy() saves the token in a temporary file.
handler = APIRequest(sandbox=True, storage_strategy=FileStorageStrategy())

Requests timeout

You can set the amount of time in seconds after that the requests will timeout:

handler = APIRequest(sandbox=True, timeout=20.0)

Idempotency support

To make a request with idempotency support, add idempotency_key parameter to your function.

For more information, see the Idempotency article.

Call - Create a payout with an idempotency key
from pprint import pprint
import mangopay


from mangopay.api import APIRequest
handler = APIRequest(sandbox=True)

from mangopay.resources import BankWirePayOut
from mangopay.utils import Money

natural_user_id = '213753890'

natural_user_wallet_id = '213754077'

payout = BankWirePayOut(
    author_id = natural_user_id,
    debited_funds = Money(amount=500, currency='EUR'),
    fees = Money(amount=0, currency='EUR'),
    debited_wallet_id = natural_user_wallet_id,
    bank_account_id = '214651521',
    tag = 'Created using Mangopay Python SDK'

key = 'ok7urhkW45-pTHf4456-8d'

create_payout =


In order to retrieve the request made using this  idempotency:

Call - View an API response using idempotency key
from pprint import pprint
import mangopay


from mangopay.api import APIRequest
handler = APIRequest(sandbox=True)

from mangopay.resources import IdempotencyResponse

key = 'ok7urhkW45-pTHf4456-8d'

idempotency_response = IdempotencyResponse.get(key)

{'_data': {'content_length': '650',
           'content_type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
           'date': 'Thu, 15 Feb 2024 17:01:37 GMT',
           'resource': {'AuthorId': '213753890',
                        'BankAccountId': '214651521',
                        'BankWireRef': None,
                        'CreationDate': 1708016496,
                        'CreditedFunds': {'Amount': 500, 'Currency': 'EUR'},
                        'CreditedUserId': None,
                        'CreditedWalletId': None,
                        'DebitedFunds': {'Amount': 500, 'Currency': 'EUR'},
                        'DebitedWalletId': '213754077',
                        'EndToEndId': 'b9bf7c8bcb9c4748a9eb7c35a4499139',
                        'ExecutionDate': None,
                        'FallbackReason': None,
                        'Fees': {'Amount': 0, 'Currency': 'EUR'},
                        'Id': 'po_m_01HPPVEWB3NDWBYH0DMZJS4Z6Y',
                        'ModeApplied': 'PENDING_RESPONSE',
                        'ModeRequested': None,
                        'Nature': 'REGULAR',
                        'PaymentType': 'BANK_WIRE',
                        'ResultCode': None,
                        'ResultMessage': None,
                        'Status': 'CREATED',
                        'Tag': 'Created using Mangopay Python SDK',
                        'Type': 'PAYOUT'},
           'status': '200'},
 '_handler': <mangopay.api.APIRequest object at 0x1061fb6e0>}


Note - Listing elements

If you do not specify the page and the per_page parameters, only the first 10 elements will be displayed.

For endpoints that support pagination, you can use an object containing the page and per_page keys.

As a result, the output is paginated, and the total number of items and the total number of pages is provided.

For example, with the List all Users endpoint:

# Set per_page to however many users you want displayed
users = User.all(page=1, per_page=50) # Set per_page as the minimum number of user you want to see.
# users = User.all() # Only shows the first 10 users


For endpoints that support filtering, you can use an object containing the filtering parameters.

For example, with the List Transaction for a Wallet endpoint:

transactions = Transaction.all(
                               user_id =,
		  wallet_id =,
                               status='SUCCEEDED', # A specific filter
                               sort='CreationDate:asc' # A sorting parameter

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