Create a Quoted Conversion between user Wallets
This call triggers a conversion at the rate defined in its quote. The debited funds (buy currency), credited funds (sell currency) and currencies are defined in the quote.
Each quoted conversion requires a dedicated Quote object, linked in the QuoteId
Body parameters
The unique identifier of the active quote which guaranteed the rate for the conversion.
The unique identifier of the user at the source of the transaction. In a conversion, both the debited and credited wallets are owned by the author.
The unique identifier of the debited wallet (in the sell currency).
The unique identifier of the credited wallet (in the buy currency).
Max. length: 255 characters
Custom data that you can add to this object.
For transactions (pay-in, transfer, payout), you can use this parameter to identify corresponding information regarding the user, transaction, or payment methods on your platform.
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