Create a Wallet
Best practice – Create one wallet per user and currency
While Mangopay authorizes you to create as many wallets as required, we recommend you create one wallet per user and currency.
Caution – Currency not updatable
The Currency
of a created wallet cannot be changed.
Body parameters
Max. length: 255 characters
The description of the wallet. It can be a name, the type, or anything else that can help you clearly identify the wallet on the platform (and for your end users).
The unique identifier of the user owning the wallet.
Note: Only one owner can be defined; this array accepts only one string.
Allowed values: The three-letter ISO 4217 code (EUR, GBP, etc) of a supported currency (depends on feature, contract, and activation settings).
The currency of the wallet.
Max. length: 255 characters
Custom data that you can add to this object.
For wallets, you can use this parameter to identify the corresponding end user in your platform.
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