User management
- Users
- User regulatory status
- User e-money
User verification
- User data format
- KYC documents
- UBO declarations
- User wallets
- Client wallets
- Card registrations
- Cards
- Metadata
- Card validations
Card pay-ins
- Direct card pay-ins
- Recurring card pay-ins
- Preauthorizations
- Deposit preauthorizations
- Web card pay-ins
Banking pay-ins
- Bank wires
- Virtual IBAN
- Direct debits
- Web direct debits
APM pay-ins
- Apple Pay
- Bancontact
- Giropay
- Google Pay
- Klarna
- Multibanco
- Payconiq
- PayPal
- The PayPal PayIn object
- POSTCreate a PayPal PayIn
- PUTAdd tracking information to a PayPal PayIn
- GETView a PayIn (PayPal)
- POST[Deprecated] Create a PayPal PayIn
- The Recurring PayIn Registration object (PayPal)
- POSTCreate a Recurring PayIn Registration (PayPal)
- PUTUpdate a Recurring PayIn Registration (PayPal)
- GETView a Recurring PayIn Registration (PayPal)
- The Recurring PayPal PayIn object
- POSTCreate a Recurring PayPal PayIn (CIT)
- POSTCreate a Recurring PayPal PayIn (MIT)
- Satispay
- Swish
- Transfers
- Refunds
- Disputes
- Dispute documents
- Repudiations
- Dispute settlement
- Bank accounts
- Payouts
FX conversions
- Conversion rates
- Quotes
- Conversions
- Transactions
- API responses
- Country authorizations
- Webhooks
- Events
- Reports
Platform account
- Client
- Dashboard permissions
Add tracking information to a PayPal PayIn
You can use this call to add the tracking number and carrier for LineItems
shipments, on both one-time and recurring PayPal pay-ins.
Caution – Tracking information cannot be edited
You can’t modify the TrackingNumber
, Carrier
, or NotifyBuyer
once added.
You can only send a unique tracking number once.
There is no link between the line items and the tracking numbers.
If adding multiple tracking numbers for the same transaction, it is recommended to set NotifyBuyer
to true
on only one of them.
Path parameters
The unique identifier of the pay-in.
Body parameters
The shipment’s tracking number provided by the carrier.
The carrier for the shipment. Use the country-specific version of the carrier if it exists, otherwise use its global version.
Default value: false
If true
, sends an email notification to the PaypalBuyerAccountEmail
containing the TrackingNumber
and Carrier
, which allows the end user to track their shipment with the carrier.
The unique identifier of the object.
Max. length: 255 characters
Custom data that you can add to this object.
For transactions (pay-in, transfer, payout), you can use this parameter to identify corresponding information regarding the user, transaction, or payment methods on your platform.
The date and time at which the object was created.
The unique identifier of the user at the source of the transaction.
Information about the debited funds. The amount must be equal to the total of all UnitAmount
and TaxAmount
of all LineItems
Returned values: The three-letter ISO 4217 code (EUR, GBP, etc.) of a supported currency (depends on feature, contract, and activation settings).
The currency of the funds.
An amount of money in the smallest sub-division of the currency (e.g., EUR 12.60 would be represented as 1260
whereas JPY 12 would be represented as just 12
Information about the credited funds (CreditedFunds
= DebitedFunds
- Fees
Returned values: The three-letter ISO 4217 code (EUR, GBP, etc.) of a supported currency (depends on feature, contract, and activation settings).
The currency of the funds.
An amount of money in the smallest sub-division of the currency (e.g., EUR 12.60 would be represented as 1260
whereas JPY 12 would be represented as just 12
Information about the fees.
Returned values: The three-letter ISO 4217 code (EUR, GBP, etc.) of a supported currency (depends on feature, contract, and activation settings).
The currency of the fees.
An amount of money in the smallest sub-division of the currency (e.g., EUR 12.60 would be represented as 1260
whereas JPY 12 would be represented as just 12
Returned values: CREATED
The status of the transaction.
The code indicating the result of the operation. This information is mostly used to handle errors or for filtering purposes.
The explanation of the result code.
The date and time at which the status changed to SUCCEEDED
, indicating that the transaction occurred. The statuses CREATED
return an ExecutionDate
of null
Returned values: PAYIN
The type of the transaction.
Returned values: REGULAR
The nature of the transaction, providing more information about the context in which the transaction occurred:
– Relative to most of the transactions (pay-ins, payouts, and transfers) in a usual workflow.REPUDIATION
– Automatic withdrawal of funds from the platform’s repudiation wallet as part of the dispute process (when the user has requested a chargeback).REFUND
– Reimbursement of a transaction to the user (pay-in refund), to a wallet (transfer refund), or of a payout (payout refund, only initiated by Mangopay).SETTLEMENT
– Transfer made to the repudiation wallet by the platform to settle a lost dispute.
The unique identifier of the credited wallet.
Default value: The unique identifier of the owner of the credited wallet.
The unique identifier of the user whose wallet is credited.
Returned values: PAYPAL
The type of pay-in.
Returned values: WEB
The type of execution for the pay-in.
Max. length: 255 characters
The URL to which the user is returned after the payment, whether the transaction is successful or not.
The URL to which to redirect the user to complete the payment.
Caution: This variable URL is specific to each payment. You must rely on the returned URL in full (host, path, and queries) and not hardcode any part of it.
Max. length: 10 characters; only alphanumeric and spaces
Custom description to appear on the user’s bank statement along with the platform name. Different banks may show more or less information. See the Customizing bank statement references article for details.
Information about the end user’s shipping address, managed by ShippingPreference
The first name of the user.
Max. length: 100 characters
The last name of the user.
Information about the shipping address.
Max. length: 255 characters
The first line of the address.
Max. length: 255 characters
The second line of the address.
Max. length: 255 characters
The city of the address.
Max. length: 255 characters
The region of the address. This field is optional except if the Country
is US, CA, or MX.
Max. length: 255 characters
The postal code of the address. The postal code can contain the following characters: alphanumeric, dashes, and spaces.
Format: Two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format)
The country of the address.
Information about the items purchased in the transaction. The total of all line items’ UnitAmount
and TaxAmount
must equal the DebitedFunds
amount (negative amounts not allowed).
Max. length: 127 characters (truncated after)
The name of the item.
The quantity of the item.
The cost of the item, excluding tax.
The tax amount applied to the item.
Max. length: 127 characters (truncated after)
The platform’s unique reference for the seller. This value must be consistently used for the given seller. You can use, for example, the Mangopay UserId
or the seller’s business name or first name and last name.
Caution: Failure to use a unique seller identifier may result in PayPal restricting your service.
The category of the item:
– Tangible items that can be physically shipped and received with proof of delivery upon arrival.DIGITAL_GOODS
– Products or services that are distributed and consumed via digital platforms or devices.DONATION
– Voluntary contribution made without any goods or services received in return. Multiple line items can be categorized asDONATION
within a single transaction, however it is not possible to combineDONATION
other line item categories within the same transaction.
Returned values: One of the supported languages in the ISO 639-1 format: AT, BR, CA, CH, CN, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, ID, IL, IT, JK, JP, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, TH, TR, TW, US.
The language in which the PayPal payment page is to be displayed.
Information about the shipping address behavior on the PayPal payment page:
- TheShipping
parameter becomes required and its values are displayed to the end user, who is not able to modify them.GET_FROM_FILE
– TheShipping
parameter is ignored and the end user can choose from registered addresses.NO_SHIPPING
– No shipping address section is displayed.
The email address registered on the PayPal account used to make the payment.
Max. length: 127 characters (truncated after)
The platform’s order reference for the transaction.
Shipping information of the LineItems
added to the pay-in object.
The shipment’s tracking number provided by the carrier.
The carrier for the shipment. Use the country-specific version of the carrier if it exists, otherwise use its global version.
Default value: false
If true
, sends an email notification to the PaypalBuyerAccountEmail
containing the TrackingNumber
and Carrier
, which allows the end user to track their shipment with the carrier.
The URL to which the user is returned after canceling the payment. If not provided, the Cancel button returns the user to the RedirectURL.
PayPal’s unique identifier for the order.
The country of the buyer.
The first name of the buyer.
The mobile phone number of the buyer.
The last name of the buyer.
The PayPal identifier of the buyer.
The unique identifier of the object.
Max. length: 255 characters
Custom data that you can add to this object.
For transactions (pay-in, transfer, payout), you can use this parameter to identify corresponding information regarding the user, transaction, or payment methods on your platform.
The date and time at which the object was created.
The unique identifier of the user at the source of the transaction.
Information about the debited funds. The amount must be equal to the total of all UnitAmount
and TaxAmount
of all LineItems
Returned values: The three-letter ISO 4217 code (EUR, GBP, etc.) of a supported currency (depends on feature, contract, and activation settings).
The currency of the funds.
An amount of money in the smallest sub-division of the currency (e.g., EUR 12.60 would be represented as 1260
whereas JPY 12 would be represented as just 12
Information about the credited funds (CreditedFunds
= DebitedFunds
- Fees
Returned values: The three-letter ISO 4217 code (EUR, GBP, etc.) of a supported currency (depends on feature, contract, and activation settings).
The currency of the funds.
An amount of money in the smallest sub-division of the currency (e.g., EUR 12.60 would be represented as 1260
whereas JPY 12 would be represented as just 12
Information about the fees.
Returned values: The three-letter ISO 4217 code (EUR, GBP, etc.) of a supported currency (depends on feature, contract, and activation settings).
The currency of the fees.
An amount of money in the smallest sub-division of the currency (e.g., EUR 12.60 would be represented as 1260
whereas JPY 12 would be represented as just 12
Returned values: CREATED
The status of the transaction.
The code indicating the result of the operation. This information is mostly used to handle errors or for filtering purposes.
The explanation of the result code.
The date and time at which the status changed to SUCCEEDED
, indicating that the transaction occurred. The statuses CREATED
return an ExecutionDate
of null
Returned values: PAYIN
The type of the transaction.
Returned values: REGULAR
The nature of the transaction, providing more information about the context in which the transaction occurred:
– Relative to most of the transactions (pay-ins, payouts, and transfers) in a usual workflow.REPUDIATION
– Automatic withdrawal of funds from the platform’s repudiation wallet as part of the dispute process (when the user has requested a chargeback).REFUND
– Reimbursement of a transaction to the user (pay-in refund), to a wallet (transfer refund), or of a payout (payout refund, only initiated by Mangopay).SETTLEMENT
– Transfer made to the repudiation wallet by the platform to settle a lost dispute.
The unique identifier of the credited wallet.
Default value: The unique identifier of the owner of the credited wallet.
The unique identifier of the user whose wallet is credited.
Returned values: PAYPAL
The type of pay-in.
Returned values: WEB
The type of execution for the pay-in.
Max. length: 255 characters
The URL to which the user is returned after the payment, whether the transaction is successful or not.
The URL to which to redirect the user to complete the payment.
Caution: This variable URL is specific to each payment. You must rely on the returned URL in full (host, path, and queries) and not hardcode any part of it.
Max. length: 10 characters; only alphanumeric and spaces
Custom description to appear on the user’s bank statement along with the platform name. Different banks may show more or less information. See the Customizing bank statement references article for details.
Information about the end user’s shipping address, managed by ShippingPreference
The first name of the user.
Max. length: 100 characters
The last name of the user.
Information about the shipping address.
Max. length: 255 characters
The first line of the address.
Max. length: 255 characters
The second line of the address.
Max. length: 255 characters
The city of the address.
Max. length: 255 characters
The region of the address. This field is optional except if the Country
is US, CA, or MX.
Max. length: 255 characters
The postal code of the address. The postal code can contain the following characters: alphanumeric, dashes, and spaces.
Format: Two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format)
The country of the address.
Information about the items purchased in the transaction. The total of all line items’ UnitAmount
and TaxAmount
must equal the DebitedFunds
amount (negative amounts not allowed).
Max. length: 127 characters (truncated after)
The name of the item.
The quantity of the item.
The cost of the item, excluding tax.
The tax amount applied to the item.
Max. length: 127 characters (truncated after)
The platform’s unique reference for the seller. This value must be consistently used for the given seller. You can use, for example, the Mangopay UserId
or the seller’s business name or first name and last name.
Caution: Failure to use a unique seller identifier may result in PayPal restricting your service.
The category of the item:
– Tangible items that can be physically shipped and received with proof of delivery upon arrival.DIGITAL_GOODS
– Products or services that are distributed and consumed via digital platforms or devices.DONATION
– Voluntary contribution made without any goods or services received in return. Multiple line items can be categorized asDONATION
within a single transaction, however it is not possible to combineDONATION
other line item categories within the same transaction.
Returned values: One of the supported languages in the ISO 639-1 format: AT, BR, CA, CH, CN, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, ID, IL, IT, JK, JP, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, TH, TR, TW, US.
The language in which the PayPal payment page is to be displayed.
Information about the shipping address behavior on the PayPal payment page:
- TheShipping
parameter becomes required and its values are displayed to the end user, who is not able to modify them.GET_FROM_FILE
– TheShipping
parameter is ignored and the end user can choose from registered addresses.NO_SHIPPING
– No shipping address section is displayed.
The email address registered on the PayPal account used to make the payment.
Max. length: 127 characters (truncated after)
The platform’s order reference for the transaction.
Shipping information of the LineItems
added to the pay-in object.
The shipment’s tracking number provided by the carrier.
The carrier for the shipment. Use the country-specific version of the carrier if it exists, otherwise use its global version.
Default value: false
If true
, sends an email notification to the PaypalBuyerAccountEmail
containing the TrackingNumber
and Carrier
, which allows the end user to track their shipment with the carrier.
The URL to which the user is returned after canceling the payment. If not provided, the Cancel button returns the user to the RedirectURL.
PayPal’s unique identifier for the order.
The country of the buyer.
The first name of the buyer.
The mobile phone number of the buyer.
The last name of the buyer.
The PayPal identifier of the buyer.
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