Create a CA Bank Account
Path parameters
The unique identifier of the User (natural or legal) who owns the bank account.
Body parameters
Information about the address of residence of the bank account owner.
Format: Digits only
The unique number of the bank account (between 7 to 35 digits).
Length: 3 digits
The 3-digit number assigned to Canadian financial institutions, for CA-type bank accounts.
Length: 5 digits
The 5-digit number assigned to branches of Canadian financial institutions, for CA-type bank accounts.
Max. length: 50 characters (letters and digits only)
The name of the Canadian bank for CA-type bank accounts.
Max. length: 255 characters
The full name of the owner of the bank account. (Format: FirstName LastName)
Max. length: 255 characters
Custom data that you can add to this object.
For bank accounts, you can use this parameter to identify the bank account by currency or usage (personal or professional for instance).
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