
This how-to guide will show you how to successfully process an instant payout.


Mangopay provides two modes to wire funds outside the Mangopay environment:

  • Standard - A bank wire with a processing time of about 48 hours.
  • Instant Payout - A bank wire with a processing time of about 25 seconds (subject to prerequisites).

Note - Instant payouts are subject to prerequisites

  • The instant payout feature is activated for your platform (contact the Support team via the Dashboard to do so).
  • The payout must be in euros.
  • The receiving bank must be in the SEPA zone.

See the Instant payout article to learn more about the prerequisites.

1. Create the user’s Bank Account

Create the Bank Account object to which the funds are going to be credited with the Instant Payout.

Note that:

  • You need to use the UserId of a verified user as a path parameter for the next steps to be successful.
  • You can use Mangopay’s IBAN bank account available in the Testing payouts article.

POST /v2.01/{ClientId}/users/{UserId}/bankaccounts/iban



        "AddressLine1":"Rue des plantes",

        "AddressLine2":"The Oasis",


        "Region":"Ile de France",






    "OwnerName":"John Doe",

    "Tag":"custom meta"


Keep the resulting BankAccountId that will be necessary to make the payout.

Call the dedicated endpoint to check whether or not the destination bank is eligible for instant payout. Eligible banks participate in the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer scheme of the European Payments Council (EPC).

POST /v2.01/{ClientId}/payouts/reachability















If the IsReachable parameter value is true in the response, you can go ahead with the instant payout.

API response

    "InstantPayout": {

        "IsReachable": true,

        "UnreachableReason": null



3. Create the Instant Payout

In order to make an instant payment, the PayoutModeRequested parameter must be set to either:

  • INSTANT_PAYMENT - The payment will fall back to the STANDARD mode if any of the prerequisites are not met or if another problem occurs.
  • INSTANT_PAYMENT_ONLY - There is no fallback if the prerequisites are not met or another problem occurs: the wallet is automatically refunded and the payout is not completed.

POST /v2.01/{ClientId}/payouts/bankwire















It may happen that due to unmet prerequisites or processing issues the instant payout falls back to a regular payout.

To communicate to your end user whether the payout was instantaneous or reverted to standard, you may take advantage of: