


Recurring card payments are when the repeatedly charges the end user’s card at regular intervals for the goods and/or services provided.

This feature allows platforms to manage subscriptions and payment installments. Mangopay’s solution provides the flexibility for you to set up custom recurring payments with no fixed amount or end date.

Recurring card payments have two phases:

Customer-initiated transaction (CIT)

An initial transaction in the presence of the cardholder, which will be subject to . No exemption is possible on a CIT.

Merchant-initiated transactions (MIT)

Subsequent transactions made in the absence of the cardholder, initiated by the platform. These transactions are not subject to SCA.

Learn more about 3DS and SCA →

Note - Recurring payment availability

Recurring payments are available for all Mangopay-supported currencies, and only for:

  • Registered cards
  • Payments to which the 3DS protocol applies
  • CB, Visa, and Mastercard card types

How it works

Prior to processing recurring payments, you need to have a card registered. For more information regarding the card registration, see the How to process a card payment article.

Recurring payments can then be processed in three steps:


Create the Recurring Registration object to store information about the future recurring payments.


Process the first recurring payment (CIT) within 24 hours of the card registration.


Process the subsequent recurring payments (MIT) at the defined intervals.

Caution - CIT may be requested subsequently

Once the recurring payments have started, a new CIT may be necessary if:

  • The card of the recurring registration is changed
  • The issuer requests it for reasons of fraud prevention

Free cycles

In some cases, you might want to automatically offer a free recurring pay-ins for your end user as an incentive while still registering and authenticating the payment card (e.g., “first month free” or “free trial” subscription offers).

By ensuring is completed prior to the first actual debit, free cycles benefit:

  • The end users who get to try platform service for free
  • The platform who is guaranteed to be able to charge the end user at the end of the free trial for instance.

Mangopay offers a way to automatically set up this payment model with the FreeCycles parameter. It makes it possible to indicate the number of initial recurring pay-ins which are going to be made without funds being debited or fees applied (i.e., passed at zero).