As part of Mangopay’s aim to guarantee the integrity of transactions conducted using its services, and, in accordance with relevant regulations, our teams may prevent some actions due to country-specific restrictions and prohibitions.


There are two types of country-specific restrictions.

1. Refusal of funds entering the Mangopay environment

Funds entering the Mangopay environment as pay- Ins may be refused based on the country detected as the origin of the payment. How the country of origin is determined depends on the payment method but is based on attributes included in the transaction data.

2. Restrictions on the creation of API objects

The Mangopay API prevents platforms from creating certain objects because of country-related data. Three API objects are concerned:


For users, it is not possible to create or modify users using blocked countries as the following parameters:

Natural Users

  • Nationality
  • CountryOfResidence
  • Country of the Address
  • Country of the HeadquartersAddress
  • LegalRepresentativeNationality
  • LegalRepresentativeCountryOfResidence
  • Country of the LegalRepresentativeAddress

Bank accounts

Bank account creation is not possible based on the bank’s country of registration (as determined by the bank identification details, which differ depending on the Type).


Payout creation is not possible based on the bank’s country of registration (as determined by the identification details of the BankAccountId).

Because a bank account is required to make a payout, these restrictions usually apply together.

Handling restrictions

The following endpoints are available to find out about restrictions in place:

You can also set up a hook notification for the following event type to be notified when a country’s restrictions are modified:


Additional checks

Mangopay may rely on information retrieved from the user’s verification documents to apply further restrictions.

Users may be blocked whose identity proof document indicates that their birthplace is in the following countries: CU, IR, and KP.

All restrictions by country

All restrictions applied

Pay-insUserBank accountsPayouts

The following countries have all restrictions applied:

  • AN* - Netherlands Antilles
  • BV* - Bouvet Island
  • CU - Cuba
  • GS* - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • HM* - Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  • IR - Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • KP - North Korea (the Democratic People’s Republic of)
  • MM - Myanmar
  • SY - Syrian Arab Republic (the)
  • WL* - Saint Lucia (specific)
  • YU* - Yugoslavia

Note: Countries marked with a * next to their name may not be available for certain operations or features.

User creation not blocked

Pay-insUserBank accountsPayouts
Refused✅ OKBlockedBlocked

The following countries have all restrictions applied except that user creation is not blocked:

  • AF - Afghanistan
  • BY - Belarus
  • CD - Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
  • CF - Central African Republic (the)
  • ER - Eritrea
  • ET - Ethiopia
  • IQ - Iraq
  • GN - Guinea
  • LB - Lebanon
  • LR - Liberia
  • LY - Libya
  • ML - Mali
  • RU - Russian Federation (the)
  • SD - Sudan (the)
  • SO - Somalia
  • SS - South Sudan
  • UA - Ukraine
  • VE - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
  • YE - Yemen
  • ZW - Zimbabwe

No restrictions

Pay-insUserBank accountsPayouts
✅ OK✅ OK✅ OK✅ OK

The following countries have no restrictions applied:

  • AD - Andorra
  • AE - United Arab Emirates (the)
  • AG - Antigua and Barbuda
  • AI - Anguilla
  • AL - Albania
  • AM - Armenia
  • AO - Angola
  • AQ - Antarctica
  • AR - Argentina
  • AS - American Samoa
  • AT - Austria
  • AU - Australia
  • AW - Aruba
  • AX - Åland Islands
  • AZ - Azerbaijan
  • BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • BB - Barbados
  • BD - Bangladesh
  • BE - Belgium
  • BF - Burkina Faso
  • BG - Bulgaria
  • BH - Bahrain
  • BI - Burundi
  • BJ - Benin
  • BL - Saint Barthélemy
  • BM - Bermuda
  • BN - Brunei Darussalam
  • BO - Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
  • BQ - Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
  • BR - Brazil
  • BS - Bahamas (the)
  • BT - Bhutan
  • BW - Botswana
  • BZ - Belize
  • CA - Canada
  • CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)
  • CG - Congo (the)
  • CH - Switzerland
  • CI - Côte d’Ivoire
  • CK - Cook Islands (the)
  • CL - Chile
  • CM - Cameroon
  • CN - China
  • CO - Colombia
  • CR - Costa Rica
  • CV - Cabo Verde
  • CW - Curaçao
  • CX - Christmas Island
  • CY - Cyprus
  • CZ - Czechia
  • DE - Germany
  • DJ - Djibouti
  • DK - Denmark
  • DM - Dominica
  • DO - Dominican Republic (the)
  • DZ - Algeria
  • EC - Ecuador
  • EE - Estonia
  • EG - Egypt
  • EH - Western Sahara
  • ES - Spain
  • FI - Finland
  • FJ - Fiji
  • FK - Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]
  • FM - Micronesia (Federated States of)
  • FO - Faroe Islands (the)
  • FR - France
  • GA - Gabon
  • GB - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
  • GD - Grenada
  • GE - Georgia
  • GF - French Guiana
  • GG - Guernsey
  • GH - Ghana
  • GI - Gibraltar
  • GL - Greenland
  • GM - Gambia (the)
  • GP - Guadeloupe
  • GQ - Equatorial Guinea
  • GR - Greece
  • GT - Guatemala
  • GU - Guam
  • GW - Guinea- Bissau
  • GY - Guyana
  • HK - Hong Kong
  • HN - Honduras
  • HR - Croatia
  • HT - Haiti
  • HU - Hungary
  • ID - Indonesia
  • IE - Ireland
  • IL - Israel
  • IM - Isle of Man
  • IN - India
  • IO - British Indian Ocean Territory (the)
  • IS - Iceland
  • IT - Italy
  • JE - Jersey
  • JM - Jamaica
  • JO - Jordan
  • JP - Japan
  • KE - Kenya
  • KG - Kyrgyzstan
  • KH - Cambodia
  • KI - Kiribati
  • KM - Comoros (the)
  • KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • KR - Korea (the Republic of)
  • KW - Kuwait
  • KY - Cayman Islands (the)
  • KZ - Kazakhstan
  • LA - Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the)
  • LC - Saint Lucia
  • LI - Liechtenstein
  • LK - Sri Lanka
  • LS - Lesotho
  • LT - Lithuania
  • LU - Luxembourg
  • LV - Latvia
  • MA - Morocco
  • MC - Monaco
  • MD - Moldova (the Republic of)
  • ME - Montenegro
  • MF - Saint Martin (French part)
  • MG - Madagascar
  • MH - Marshall Islands (the)
  • MK - North Macedonia
  • MN - Mongolia
  • MO - Macao
  • MP - Northern Mariana Islands (the)
  • MQ - Martinique
  • MR - Mauritania
  • MS - Montserrat
  • MT - Malta
  • MU - Mauritius
  • MV - Maldives
  • MW - Malawi
  • MX - Mexico
  • MY - Malaysia
  • MZ - Mozambique
  • NA - Namibia
  • NC - New Caledonia
  • NE - Niger (the)
  • NF - Norfolk Island
  • NG - Nigeria
  • NI - Nicaragua
  • NL - Netherlands (the)
  • NO - Norway
  • NP - Nepal
  • NR - Nauru
  • NU - Niue
  • NZ - New Zealand
  • OM - Oman
  • PA - Panama
  • PE - Peru
  • PF - French Polynesia
  • PG - Papua New Guinea
  • PH - Philippines (the)
  • PK - Pakistan
  • PL - Poland
  • PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • PN - Pitcairn
  • PR - Puerto Rico
  • PS - Palestine (State of)
  • PT - Portugal
  • PW - Palau
  • PY - Paraguay
  • QA - Qatar
  • RE - Réunion
  • RO - Romania
  • RS - Serbia
  • RW - Rwanda
  • SA - Saudi Arabia
  • SB - Solomon Islands
  • SC - Seychelles
  • SE - Sweden
  • SG - Singapore
  • SH - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
  • SI - Slovenia
  • SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen
  • SK - Slovakia
  • SL - Sierra Leone
  • SM - San Marino
  • SN - Senegal
  • SR - Suriname
  • ST - Sao Tome and Principe
  • SV - El Salvador
  • SX - Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
  • SZ - Eswatini
  • TC - Turks and Caicos Islands (the)
  • TD - Chad
  • TF - French Southern Territories (the)
  • TG - Togo
  • TH - Thailand
  • TJ - Tajikistan
  • TK - Tokelau
  • TL - Timor- Leste
  • TM - Turkmenistan
  • TN - Tunisia
  • TO - Tonga
  • TR - Turkey
  • TT - Trinidad and Tobago
  • TV - Tuvalu
  • TW - Taiwan (Province of China)
  • TZ - Tanzania, the United Republic of
  • UG - Uganda
  • UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)
  • US - United States of America (the)
  • UY - Uruguay
  • UZ - Uzbekistan
  • VA - Holy See (the)
  • VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • VG - Virgin Islands (British)
  • VI - Virgin Islands (U.S.)
  • VN - Vietnam
  • VU - Vanuatu
  • WF - Wallis and Futuna
  • WS - Samoa
  • XK - Kosovo
  • YT - Mayotte
  • ZA - South Africa
  • ZM - Zambia