Create a Giropay PayIn
Warning – Giropay no longer available after June 30, 2024
Giropay’s operator Paydirekt has decided to cease the payment method’s services at the end of June, without providing a direct alternative. This decision by Paydirekt impacts the entire industry and is beyond our control.
Effective July 1, 2024:
- Pay-ins will fail with the 101101 error
- Refunds will be possible for one year
This change affects both the new and legacy integrations.
Our team is ready to assist you with your integration of alternatives like Klarna, PayPal, or virtual IBANs for the German market. Please reach out via the Hub.
Note – Timeout after 1 hour
The payment session lasts for 1 hour, at which point the pay-in fails automatically if no action has been taken by the user.
Note – Minimum amount
The minimum accepted amount for Giropay pay-ins is €1.00 (100
In Production, pay-ins lower than this amount will fail.
Body parameters
The unique identifier of the user at the source of the transaction.
The unique identifier of the credited wallet.
Information about the debited funds.
Information about the fees.
Max. length: 255 characters
The URL to which the user is returned after the payment, whether the transaction is successful or not.
Max. length: 255 characters
Custom data that you can add to this object.
For transactions (pay-in, transfer, payout), you can use this parameter to identify corresponding information regarding the user, transaction, or payment methods on your platform.
Max. length: 10 characters; only alphanumeric and spaces
Custom description to appear on the user’s bank statement along with the platform name. Different banks may show more or less information. See the Customizing bank statement references article for details.
The unique reference generated for the profiling session, used by the fraud prevention solution to produce recommendations for the transaction using the profiling data.
Note: Parameter not returned by the API. Profiling feature available on request – contact Mangopay from the Hub for more information.
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