
See IBAN countries and currencies


Not supported


Not supported


Mangopay supports for its the creation of a virtual IBAN. The Mangopay API relies on the Banking Alias object to create and link an IBAN to a wallet.

Once a virtual IBAN is attached to a wallet, any funds wired by the user to that IBAN can be credited automatically to the associated wallet.

How it works

The steps to use this feature are the following:


The user chooses to pay via bank wire


You create a wallet for the user with the Create a Wallet endpoint (required once)


You create a virtual IBAN attached to the wallet with the Create an IBAN Banking Alias endpoint (required once)

Steps 2 and 3 are only required once per user. For subsequent payments by the same user, you can View a Banking Alias to retrieve the object already created.


In response, the API returns bank details that you must display to the user (`IBAN` and `BIC` or `LocalAccountDetails`)

You can define a reference for the user to use, which can be unique to a single pay-in.


The user sends funds to the banking alias’s bank details (using your defined reference)


On receipt of the funds, Mangopay automatically creates an External Instruction Bank Wire PayIn

You can be notified of this by setting up a hook notification for the following event type:


You can use the View a PayIn endpoint to confirm the payment and retrieve the WireReference.

See the how-to guide for step-by-step instructions:

How to

How to process a pay-in bank wire to wallet virtual IBAN

IBAN countries and currencies

Mangopay offers virtual IBANs for the following countries (specified in the Country parameter of the Banking Alias). The IBAN country must be attached to a wallet of the corresponding currency:

Wallet currencyvIBAN country
DKKDK - Denmark
EURDE - Germany
ES - Spain
FR - France
LU - Luxembourg
PLNPL - Poland

Note - Sandbox only for DK, GB, and PL

Banking alias creation for DK, GB, and PL is only currently available in Sandbox, to enable testing.

See the Currencies page for details of Mangopay’s coverage for other features.

Local account details

For the relevant countries, the LocalAccountDetails parameter returns the bank details in a local format for users.


On GB banking aliases, LocalAccountDetails contains the AccountNumber and SortCode.

Note - Payee confirmation in the UK

When the user sets up the payee with their bank, Mangopay UK or Mangopay SA is displayed as the account holder name. You should communicate this to them to avoid confusion.


  • Only one banking alias can be created per wallet, even if it has been deactivated.
  • Deactivating a banking alias is irreversible.
  • Fees cannot be taken on pay-ins made to a virtual IBAN.

Note - Activation and contract amendment required

The virtual IBAN feature is regulated and therefore requires: Activation by Mangopay, including in Sandbox (contact our teams via the Hub) A contract amendment to specify the BIC to use for your platform