Company number
The company number is the legal registration number of an entity provided by the relevant national authority in the country where it is registered.
The company number is one of the elements checked during the user verification process. The number is required for Business-type legal users, and recommended for Soletraders and Organizations if it exists. See the verification requirements for details.
The CompanyNumber
must be in the correct format for their country of registration, as determined by the Country
of the HeadquartersAddress
. For Business-type users, an incorrect format blocks the verification process.
Validating format prior to verification
Platforms should validate the format of the CompanyNumber
for businesses before requesting verification.
You can set up hook notifications for the following event types to be notified when a user’s number corresponds or not to the expected format:
These hooks can be triggered on the following calls:
You can also use the following endpoint to check the format of the number and retrieve the validation rules applied for a given country:
Validate the format of User data
Caution - Veracity of company number checked later
The endpoint and hooks above only check that the format of the company number is as expected. Whether or not the data is true and correct for the specific user is checked during verification when documents are submitted.
Accepted format by country
The countries in the table below have rules in place regarding a valid format for their country number. Countries not in the list have no formatting rules in place – the number format should match the verification documents.
The regular expressions for the accepted formats are returned on the POST Validate the format of User data endpoint.
Note - Only alphanumeric characters assessed
The company number formatting rules only evaluate alphanumeric characters. Any other characters, like dashes or spaces, in the CompanyNumber
string are removed beforehand.
In some cases, a punctuation mark (such as a hyphen or dash) is given in the table below for information purposes only because it is commonly used locally. You don’t need to provide it.
Country | Name | Accepted formats |
Austria (AT) | Firmenbuchnummer |
Belgium (BE) | Vestigingseenheidsnummer / Numéro d’entreprise |
Bulgaria (BG) | ЕИК (EIK) / ПИК (PIK) (UIC/PIC) |
Croatia (HR) | Matični broj poslovnog subjekta (MBS) |
Cyprus (CY) | Αριθμός Μητρώου Εταιρίας Şirket kayıt numarası |
Czechia (CZ) | Identifikační číslo |
Denmark (DK) | CVR-nummer |
Estonia (EE) | Kood |
Finland (FI) | Y-tunnus FO-nummer |
France (FR) | SIREN or SIRET |
Germany (DE) | Nummer der Firma Registernummer |
Greece (GR) | τον Αριθμό Γενικού Εμπορικού Μητρώου / τον Αριθμό Φορολογικού Μητρώου (Α.Φ.Μ.) |
Hungary (HU) | Cégjegyzékszáma |
Iceland (IS) | TIN |
Ireland (IE) | Company Registration Number (CRN) |
Italy (IT) | Codice fiscale or REA number |
Latvia (LV) | Reģistrācijas numurs |
Liechtenstein (LI) | UID |
Lithuania (LT) | Juridinio asmens kodas |
Luxembourg (LU) | Numéro d’immatriculation |
Malta (MT) | Registration Number |
Netherlands (NL) | KvK-nummer |
Norway (NO) | TIN |
Poland (PL) | Numer w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym (numer KRS) |
Portugal (PT) | Número de Identificação Pessoa Coletiva (NIPC) |
Romania (RO) | Număr de ordine în Registrul Comerţului |
Slovakia (SK) | Identifikačného čísla Identification number |
Slovenia (SI) | Matična številka |
Spain (ES) | Número de identificación fiscal (NIF) |
Sweden (SE) | Organisationsnummer |
Switzerland (CH) | UID |
United Kingdom (GB) | Company Number or Registration Number |