Accepted local KYB documents
This page lists the local documents accepted per legal user type and country of registration for 2 types of verification document:
- Registration proof
- Articles of association (if applicable)
This list includes countries in the and a section for countries outside the EEA.
The identified local legal structures are also given.
The company number’s expected format also varies according to the region – see the Company number article for details.
Caution – Other documents required
This page aims to clarify the 2 types of document listed above. These documents form part of the requirements for verification of legal users (sometimes referred to as know your business customer, or KYB)
Other documents and information are needed. See the Requirements page for the full details.
Accepted languages
The registration proof and articles of association document types are accepted in the following languages:
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Spanish
If the original document is not in one of these languages, a certified sworn translation to English or French is required. The translation must be signed by the certified sworn translator who has been appointed by the legal authorities to provide official translations.
Mangopay reserves the right to request a certified sworn translation in other cases if deemed necessary.
Exception – Nordic articles of association
A non-certified translation – created by a non-certified individual, with or without online translation tools – is accepted for the articles of association document (only) from the following countries (only):
Submitting translations
The translation must be submitted together with the original, meaning there needs to be one single KYC Document object containing two files (called KYC Document Pages in the API): one file uploaded containing the original and another file uploaded containing the translation.
See the Document submission process guide for more information about submitting KYB documents.
Outside EEA
Registration proof | Registration proof from the official national registry, not older than 3 months. The document must contain:
Articles of association | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
Registration proof | Registration proof from the official national registry, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
Registration proof | Registration proof from the official national registry, not older than 3 months. |
Austria (AT)
AT - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Aktiengesellschaft (AG) (Public limited company)
- Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) (Private limited company)
- Offene Gesellschaft (OG) (General partnership)
- Kommanditgesellschaft (KG) (Limited partnership)
- Stille Gesellschaft (stG) (Partnership by estoppel)
- Gesellschaft des bürgerlichen Rechts (GesbR) (Partnership by contract)
- Offene Erwerbsgesellschaft (OEG) (Small general partnership)
- Kommanditerwerbsgesellschaft (KEG) (Small limited partnership)
- Genossenschaft (Gen) (Cooperative)
For more information about business registration in Austria, please see the City of Vienna’s website.
Registration proof | Extract from the Firmenbuchauszug Registry, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Gesellschaftsvertrag or partnership agreement, the latest signed version. |
AT - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Verein (Nonprofit association)
- Privatstiftung (Private foundation)
Registration proof | Vereinsregisterauszug from the Bundesministerium fûr inneres, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Vereinsstatuten, the latest signed version. |
AT - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Eingetragenes Einzelunternehmen (eU) (Self-employed)
- Sole proprietorship covered by the Austrian Trade and Industry regulation
Registration proof | Trade license, not older than 3 months. For activities that do not fall under the Trade Regulation Act, a letter from the Austrian tax office (Finanzamt) issued within the last 3 months including the Steuernummer (tax number). |
Belgium (BE)
BE - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Naamloze vennootschap (NV) / Société Anonyme (SA) (Public limited company)
- Besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (BVBA) / Société privée à responsabilité limitée (SPRL) (Private limited company)
- Coöperatieve vennootschappen met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (CVBA) / Société coopérative (SCRL) (Limited liability cooperative)
- Coöperatieve vennootschappen met onbeperkte aansprakelijkheid (CVOA) / Société coopérative (SCRI) (Unlimited liability cooperative)
- Eenpersoons besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (EBVBA) / Société privée à responsabilité limitée unipersonnelle (SPRLU) (Single member limited company)
- Vennootschap onder firma (VOF) / Société en nom collectif (SNC) (General partnership)
- Commanditaire vennootschap (Comm.V) / Société en commandite simple (SCS) (Limited partnership)
- Commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen (Comm.VA) / Société en commandite par actions (SCA) (Publicly traded partnership)
- Economisch samenwerkingsverband (ESV) / Groupement d’intérêt économique (GIE) (Economic interest grouping)
Registration proof | Screenshot of the entity’s data from the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (KBO / BCE), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
BE - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Vereniging zonder winstoogmerk (VZW) / Association sans but lucratif (ASBL) (Nonprofit association)
- Internationale vereniging zonder winstoogmerk / Association internationale sans but lucratif (International nonprofit association)
- Feitelijke vereniging / Association de fait (De facto partnership)
Registration proof | Screenshot of the entity’s data from the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (KBO / BCE), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
BE - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Eenmanszaak / Exploitation Individuelle (Sole proprietorship)
- Natuurlijk persoon / Personne physique (Natural person)
- Vennootschap of vereniging zonder rechtspersoonlijkheid / Société ou association sans personnalité juridique (Company or association without legal personality)
Registration proof | Screenshot of the sole proprietorships’s registration data from the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (KBO / BCE), not older than 3 months. |
Bulgaria (BG)
BG - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Sabiratelno Druzhestvo (SD)
- Komanditno druzhestvo (KD)
- Druzhestvo s ogranichena otgovornost (OOD)
- Ednolichno druzhestvo s ogranichena otgovornost (EOOD)
- Aktzionerno druzhestvo (AD)
Registration proof | Certificate from the Registry Agency (portal), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Constituent Act, the latest signed version. |
BG - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Asociația non-profit (Nonprofit association)
Registration proof | Screenshot of the organization’s data from NGOBG, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | УСТАВ (statutes), the latest signed version. |
BG - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Ednolichen Tatgovetz (ET) (Sole proprietorship)
Registration proof | Registration proof from the Trade Register (BCCI website), not older than 3 months. |
Croatia (HR)
HR - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Dioničko društvo (d.d.) (Public limited company)
- Društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću (d.o.o.) (Private company limited by shares)
- Jednostavno društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću (j.d.o.o.) (Private limited company)
- Javno trgovačko društvo (General partnership)
- Komanditno društvo (k.d.) (Limited partnership)
- Gospodarsko interesno udruženje (GIU) (Economic interest grouping)
- Zadruga (Cooperative)
Registration proof | Certificate of incorporation from the Commercial Court Register, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Članak (articles), the latest signed version. |
HR - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Neprofitna udruga (Nonprofit association)
Registration proof | Registration document from the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Članak (statutes), the latest signed version. |
HR - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Obrt (Sole proprietorship)
- Ortakluk (Partnership of two or more sole proprietors)
- Slobodna djelatnost (Self-employed – artists, journalists, lawyers, etc.)
Registration proof | Registration document from the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration, not older than 3 months. |
Cyprus (CY)
CY - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Private limited company
- Public limited company
- Company limited by guarantees
- General partnership
- Limited partnership
Registration proof | Certificate of incorporation from the Department of the Registrar of Companies, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | καταστατικό (statutes), the latest signed version. |
CY - Organization
Registration proof | Founding act, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Memorandum of association, the latest signed version. |
CY - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Sole proprietor
Registration proof | Registration document from the Department of the Registrar of Companies, not older than 3 months. |
Czechia (CZ)
CZ - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Akciová společnost (a.s.) (Public limited company)
- Společnost s ručením omezeným (s.r.o.) (Limited liability company)
- Veřejná obchodní společnost (v.o.s) (General commercial partnership)
- Komanditní společnost (k.s) (Limited partnership)
- Družstvo (Cooperative)
Registration proof | Certificate of incorporation from the Registry of the Regional Commercial Court (Krajský / Městský soud, portal), not older than 3 months. For more information, see the ARES website. |
Articles of association | Stanovy (statutes), the latest signed version. |
CZ - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Zapsaný spolek (z.s.) (Voluntary association)
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the Registry of the Regional Commercial Court (Krajský / Městský soud, portal), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Stanovy (statutes), the latest signed version. |
CZ - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Živnost (Sole proprietorship)
Registration proof | Trade license from the Trade Register of the Ministry of Justice and Trade, not older than 3 months. |
Denmark (DK)
DK - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Anpartsselskab (ApS) (Private limited company)
- Aktieselskab (A/S) (Public limited company)
- Kommanditselskab (K/S) (Limited partnership)
- Interessentskab (I/S) (General partnership)
- Partnerselskab or Kommanditaktieselskab (P/S) (Partnership limited by shares)
- Andelsselskab med begrænset ansvar (A.M.B.A) (Limited liability co-operative)
- Forening med begrænset ansvar (F.M.B.A) (Limited liability voluntary association)
- Selskab med begrænset ansvar (S.M.B.A) (Limited liability company)
- Iværksætterselskab (IVS) (Entrepreneurial limited company)
Registration proof | Registreringscertifikat or Registeringsbevis (certificate of registration) from the Central Business Register, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Vedtægter (statutes), the latest signed version. |
DK - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Forening (Nonprofit association)
- Forening med begrænset ansvar (FMBA) (Limited liability voluntary association)
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the Central Business Register, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Vedtægter (statutes), the latest signed version. |
DK - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Enkeltmandsvirksomhed (Sole proprietorship)
- Fully liable partner
Registration proof | Registration proof from Indberet Virk, not older than 3 months. |
Estonia (EE)
EE - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Osaühing (OÜ) (Private limited company)
- Aktsiaselts (AS) (Public limited company)
- Usaldusühing (UÜ) (Limited partnership)
- Täisühing (TÜ) (General partnership)
Registration proof | Extract from the Business Register (E-äriregistri), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Põhikiri (articles), the latest signed version. |
EE - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Mittetulundusühing (MTÜ) (Nonprofit organisation)
Registration proof | Asutamisleping (memorandum of association) from the Business Register (E-äriregistri), not older than 3 months. More information available on the Riigi Teataja website. |
Articles of association | Põhikiri (articles), the latest signed version. |
EE - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Füüsilisest isikust ettevõtja (FIE) (Sole proprietorship)
Registration proof | Registration document from the Tax and Customs Board, not older than 3 months. |
Finland (FI)
FI - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Osakeyhtiö (Oy) (Private company limited by shares)
- Julkinen osakeyhtiö (Oyj) (Public limited company)
- Avoin yhtiö (Ay) (General partnership)
- Kommandiittiyhtiö (Ky) (Limited partnership)
- Osuuskunta (osk) (Cooperative)
Registration proof | Electronic extract from the Virre trade register, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Yhtiöjärjestys (articles of association), the latest signed version. |
FI - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Rekisteröity yhdistys (ry) (Registed association with legal personality)
- Säätiö (rs) (Foundation)
Registration proof | Registration proof from the Register of Associations, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Articles of association or statutes, the latest signed version. |
FI - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Toiminimi (T:mi) (Sole proprietorship)
Registration proof | One of the following:
France (FR)
FR - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Société Anonyme (SA) (Public limited company)
- Société à responsabilité limitée (SARL) (Limited liability company)
- Entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée (EURL) (Sole proprietorship with limited liability)
- Société par actions simplifiée (SAS) (Simplified joint stock company)
- Société par actions simplifiée unipersonnelle (SASU) (Simplified one-person joint-stock company)
- Exploitation agricole à responsabilité limitée (EARL) (Farm with limited liability)
- Société en nom collectif (SNC) (General partnership)
- Groupement d’Intérêt économique (GIE) (Economic interest grouping)
- Groupement agricole d’exploitation en commun (GAEC) (Agricultural group operating in common)
- Société coopérative d’intérêt collectif (SCIC) (Collective interest cooperative society)
- Société civile (Civil society)
- Société civile d’exploitation agricole (Civil society of agricultural exploitation)
- Société cotée, régulée, fonds d’investissements (Listed company, regulated company, investment funds)
- Société d’exercice libéral à responsabilité limitée à associé unique (Sole-shareholder limited liability private practice company)
- Société coopérative ouvrière de production à forme anonyme (Cooperative worker production company in anonymous form)
- Société coopérative de production (SCOP) (Production cooperative society)
Registration proof | Kbis extract from Infogreffe, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
FR - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Association (Association)
- Etablissement public local d’enseignement ou lycée (Local public educational institution or high school)
- Fondation (Foundation)
- Congrégation (Congregation)
- Syndicat (Union)
- Mairie (City hall)
- Collectivité locale/territoriale (Local/territorial authority)
Registration proof | One of the following:
Articles of association | Statutes, the latest signed version. The latest minutes of the General Assembly, showing the current officers, may also be required. |
FR - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Auto-entrepreneur (Self-employed)
- Entreprise individuelle à responsabilité limitée (EIRL) (Sole proprietorship with limited liability)
- Entreprise individuelle déclarée auprès de la chambre d’agriculture, exploitant agricole (Sole proprietorship declared to the Chamber of Agriculture, farmer)
- Intermittent du spectacle (Intermittent entertainment worker)
- Affilié à MDA AGESSA (Member of MDA AGESSA)
- Micro-entreprise (Microbusiness)
Registration proof | One of the following, not older than 3 months:
Germany (DE)
DE - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Aktiengesellschaft (AG) (Public limited company)
- Offene Handelsgesellschaft (OHG) (General partnership)
- Kommanditgesellschaft (KG) (Limited partnership)
- Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) (Private limited company)
- Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (GmbH & Co or AG & Co) (Publicly traded partnership)
- UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (Simple partnership)
- eGbR (Eingetragene Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts - Registered Partnership under Civil law)
Registration proof | Handelsregisterauszug from the Common Register Portal or the Company Register, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Gesellschaftsvertrag or Gründungsurkunde, the latest signed version. For UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Musterprotokoll is accepted if the entity doesn’t have the Gesellschaftsvertrag. For eGbR, Partnership Agreement or Articles of Partnership if available, Shareholder Declaration if not. |
DE - Partnership
Local structures considered in this type:
- Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts (GbR) (Civil law partnership)
Registration proof | Depends on the type of partnership Commercial partnershipsGewerbeschein from the Common Register Portal, one per partner. If the Gewerbeschein is dated within the last 3 months, it can be used on its own. If it is older, then provide also one of the following:
Non-commercial partnershipsProvide one of the following:
For non-commercial partnerships only, if, exceptionally, neither the Steuerliche Bescheinigung nor Steuernummer Zuteilungsbrief are available, the Gewerbeschein can be dated older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Partner agreement, contract or similar relevant constitutive act, drafted at the formation and incorporation of the entity. Required if it exists for the entity. |
DE - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Eingetragener Verein (eV) (Registered association)
- Stiftung (Foundation)
- Eingetragene Genossenschaft (eG) (Registered cooperative)
Registration proof | One of the following from the Common Register Portal, not older than 3 months:
Articles of association | Satzung, the latest signed version. |
DE - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Eingetragener Kaufmann (eK)
- Einzelunternehmen
- Einzelkaufmann
- Kleingewerbe
- Freiberufler
Registration proof | Gewerbeschein from the Common Register Portal. If the Gewerbeschein is dated within the last 3 months, it can be provided on its own. If it is older, then provide also one of the following:
For Eingetragener Kaufmann (eK), the Handelsregisterauszug may be provided on its own. |
Greece (GR)
GR - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Anónimi Etaireía / Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία (Α.Ε.) (Public limited company)
- Eterórrithmi Etaireía / Ετερόρρυθμη Εταιρία (Ε.Ε.) (Limited partnership)
- Etaireía Periorisménis Efthínis / Εταιρεία Περιορισμένης Ευθύνης (Ε.Π.Ε.) (Private company limited by shares)
- Monoprósopi Etaireía Periorisménis Efthínis / Μονοπρόσωπη Ε.Π.Ε. (Μ.Ε.Π.Ε.) (Private company limited by shares)
- Omórrithmi Etaireía / Ομόρρυθμη Εταιρεία (Ο.Ε.) (General partnership)
- Idiotiki Kefalaiouchiki Etaireía / Ιδιωτική Κεφαλαιουχική Εταιρεία (I.K.E) (Private company)
Registration proof | Notice of registration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry or the Business Registry of ΚΕΕ, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
GR - Organization
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the Independent Public Revenue Authority (GEMI), not older than 3 months. For more information, see the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. |
Articles of association | ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟ (statutes), the latest signed version. |
GR - Soletrader
Registration proof | Proof of registration at the General Electronic Commercial Registry, not older than 3 months. |
Hungary (HU)
HU - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Korlátolt felelősségű társaság (kft.) (Limited liability company)
- Nyilvánosan működő részvénytársaság (Nyrt) (Public limited company listed on the stock exchange)
- Zártközűen működő részvénytársaság (Zrt.) (Privately held company (same as Nyrt but not listed))
- Betéti társaság (bt.) (Limited partnership)
- Közkereseti társaság (kkt.) (General partnership)
- Szövetkezet (szov) (Cooperative)
Registration proof | Company register extract from the companies registry, not older than 3 months. More information on the Ministry of Justice website. |
Articles of association | Alapszabály (articles), the latest signed version. |
HU - Organization
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the relevant national registry, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
HU - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Egyéni vállalkozó (e.v.) (Sole trader)
Registration proof | Document with Tax ID Number, not older than 3 months. For more information, see the EUGO website. |
Ireland (IE)
IE - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Private company limited by shares (LTD)
- Designated activity company (DAC)
- Designated activity company limited by guarantee (DAC)
- Company limited by guarantee (CLG)
- Public limited company (PLC)
- Unlimited company
- European economic interest groupings (EEIG)
- Private unlimited company
- Public company having a share capital
- Public unlimited company not having a share capital
- Partnership
Registration proof | Signed company printout from the Companies Registration Office (search portal), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Form of constitution or memorandum and articles of association, the latest signed version. |
IE - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Foundation
- Unincorporated associations
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the Register of Charities, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Memorandum and articles of associations, the latest signed version. |
IE - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Sole trader
Registration proof | Signed company printout from the Companies Registration Office (search portal), not older than 3 months. If not available, document from Revenue with PPSN number. |
Italy (IT)
IT - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Societa a responsabilita limitata (S.r.l) (Limited liability company)
- Societa per azioni (S.p.a) (Joint stock company)
- Società Cooperativa a responsabilita limitata (S.c.r.l) (Limited liability cooperative company)
- Società semplice (S.s) (Simple partnership)
- Societa in nome collettivo (S.n.c) (General partnership)
- Societa in accomandita semplice (S.a.s) (Simple limited partnership)
- Società in Accomandita Per Azioni (S.a.p.a) (Limited partnership for shares)
Registration proof | Visura Camerale from the Chamber of Commerce, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statuto sociale (articles) or Atto costitutivo (deed of incorporation), the latest signed version. |
IT - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Associazione (Association)
- Azienda speciale (Public nonprofit entity)
Registration proof | Certificate from the Agenzia Entrate, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statuto (statutes), the latest signed version. |
IT - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Empresa individuale (Sole proprietorship)
- Artigiano (Craftsman)
- Lavoratore autonomo (Self-employed)
- Libero professionista (Freelance)
- Impenditore (Entrepreneur)
Registration proof | Visura Camerale from the Chamber of Commerce or VAT number attribution certificate from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, not older than 3 months. |
Latvia (LV)
LV - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību (SIA) (Private company limited by shares)
- Akciju sabiedrība (AS) (Public limited company)
- Komandītsabiedrība (KS) (Limited partnership)
Registration proof | Certificate of incorporation from the Business Register, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Dibināšanas līgums (founding agreement), the latest signed version. |
LV - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Bezpeļņas organizācija (BO) (Nonprofit organization)
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the Register of Associations and Foundations of the Business Register, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Asociācijas statūti (association statutes), the latest signed version. |
LV - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Individuālais komersants (IK) (Sole proprietorship)
Registration proof | Registration proof from the Business Register (if above €284,000 of revenue per year), not older than 3 months. |
Lithuania (LT)
LT - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Uždaroji akcinė bendrovė (UAB) (Private company limited by shares)
- Akcinė bendrovė (AB) (Public limited company)
- Tikroji ūkinė bendrija (TUB) (General partnership)
- Komanditinė ūkinė bendrija (KUB) (Limited partnership)
- Mažoji bendrija (MB) (Limited liability partnership)
Registration proof | Detailed extract with history from RegistruCentras, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
LT - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Viešoji įstaiga (VšĮ) (Nonprofit organization)
Registration proof | Proof of registration from RegistruCentras, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | ĮStatai (statutes), the latest signed version. |
LT - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Individuali įmonė (IĮ) (Personal enterprise)
- Individuali veikla (Sole proprietorship)
Registration proof | Business license self-employment certificate from RegistruCentras, not older than 3 months. |
Luxembourg (LU)
LU - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Société anonyme (SA) (Public limited company)
- Société à responsabilité limitée (SARL) (Limited liability company)
- Société en commandite par actions (SECA) (Partnership limited by shares)
- Société en commandite simple (SECS) (Limited partnership)
- Société en nom collectif (SENC) (General partnership)
- Société coopérative (Cooperative)
- Société civile (Civil society)
- Groupement d’intérêt économique (GIE) (Economic interest group)
Registration proof | Extract from the Luxembourg Business Registers (RCS), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
LU - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Association sans but lucratif (Nonprofit organization)
- Association de fait (De facto association)
- Fondation (Foundation)
- Syndicat d’initiative (Tourist office)
- Organisation non gouvernementale (Non-governmental organization)
- Association agricole (Agricultural association)
Registration proof | Extract from the Luxembourg Business Registers (RCS), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
LU - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Entreprise individuelle, pas de personnalité juridique (Sole proprietorship, no legal personality)
- Personne physique (Natural person)
Registration proof | Extract from the Luxembourg Business Registers (RCS), not older than 3 months. |
Malta (MT)
MT - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Private limited liability company
- Public limited liability company
- General partnership
- Limited partnership
Registration proof | Certificate of registration from the Malta Business Registry (support), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Memorandum and articles of association, the latest signed version. |
MT - Organization
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the Malta Business Registry (support), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
MT - Soletrader
Registration proof | Document with VAT and/or PE number, not older than 3 months. |
Netherlands (NL)
NL - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Besloten Vennootschap (BV) (Private limited company)
- Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV) (Limited partnership)
- Naamloze Vennootschap (NV) (Limited liability company)
- Coöperatie (Cooperative)
- Maatschap (Partnership)
- Vennootschap onder firma (VOF) (Partnership firm)
Registration proof | KvK uittreksel from the Chamber of Commerce, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statuten (statutes), the latest signed version. |
NL - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Stichting (Foundation)
- Vereniging met volledige rechtsbevoegdheid (Association with full legal capacity)
- Vereniging met beperkte rechtsbevoegdheid (Association with limited legal capacity)
Registration proof | KvK uittreksel from the Chamber of Commerce, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statuten (statutes), the latest signed version. |
NL - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Eenmanszaak (Self-employed)
Registration proof | KvK uittreksel from the Chamber of Commerce, not older than 3 months. |
Norway (NO)
NO - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Aksjeselskap (AS) (Limited company)
- Ansvarlig selskap (ANS) (General partnership)
Registration proof | Certificate of incorporation from the Brønnøysundregistrene, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Vedtekter (memorandum of association), the latest signed version. |
NO - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Assosiasjon (Association)
Registration proof | Proof of registration of the association, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
NO - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Enkeltpersonforetak (Sole trader company)
Registration proof | Sole proprietorship proof of registration from Altinn, not older than 3 months. |
Poland (PL)
PL - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Spółka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnosia (z.o.o.) (Limited liability company)
- Spółka akcyjna (S. A.) (Joint stock company)
- Spółka Jawna (Sp.J.) (General partnership)
- Spółka Komandytowa (Sp. K.) (Limited partnership)
- Spółka Komandytowo-Akcyjna (S.K.A.) (Limited joint-stock partnership)
- Spółka cywilna (s.c.) (Civil partnership)
- Spółka partnerska (sp.p.) (Partnership)
- Spółdzielnia (Cooperative)
Registration proof | Extract from the Centralna Informacja Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Akt Notarialny (notarial deed), the latest signed version. |
PL - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Fundacja (Foundation)
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the Centralna Informacja Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
PL - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Jednoosobowa działalność gospodarcza (Sole proprietorship)
Registration proof | Extract from the Centralna Informacja Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego or, not older than 3 months. |
Portugal (PT)
PT - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Sociedade Anonima (SA) (Public limited company)
- Sociedade por quotas (Private limited company)
- Sociedade em nome colectivo (Private limited company)
- Sociedade em comandita simples (Simple limited partnership)
- Sociedade em comandita por acçoes (Limited liability company)
- Sociedade unipessoal por quotas (Single shareholder company)
- Establecimento individual de responsabilidade limitada (EIRL) (Private limited liability company)
- Sociedade em comandita (Limited partnership)
- Agrupamento complementar de empresas (ACE) (Complementary grouping of companies)
Registration proof | Valid certidão permanente from the Registo Comercial. |
Articles of association | Estatutos (statutes), the latest signed version. |
PT - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Associação (Association)
Registration proof | Documento Inicio de Actividade (founding document), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Estatutos (statutes), the latest signed version. |
PT - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Empresário em Nome individual (Sole proprietorship)
- Trabalhador independente (Self-employed person)
Registration proof | Certificação da direcção de serviços de registo de contribuintes (Finance portal), not older than 3 months. |
Romania (RO)
RO - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Akciová společnost (a.s.) (Public limited company)
- Společnost s ručením omezeným (s.r.o.) (Limited liability company)
- Veřejná obchodní společnost (v.o.s) (General commercial partnership)
- (k.s) (Limited partnership)
- Družstvo (Cooperative)
Registration proof | Certificate from the National Trade Register Office, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Memorandum de asociere (memorandum of association), the latest signed version. |
RO - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- None identified
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the Register of Associations and Foundations at the Registry of the Court (National Trade Register Office), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
RO - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Živno (Sole proprietorship)
Registration proof | Proof of registration at the National Trade Register Office, not older than 3 months. |
Slovakia (SK)
SK - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Akciová spoločnosť (a.s) (Public limited company)
- Spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným (s.r.o) (Private company limited by shares)
- Komanditná spoločnosť (k.s) (Limited liability partnership)
- Verejná obchodná spoločnosť (v.o.s) (General partnership)
- Družstvo (Cooperative)
Registration proof | Extract from the Business Register of the district court, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Memorandum asociácie (memorandum of association), the latest signed version. |
SK - Organization
Registration proof | Proof of registration, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
SK - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Zivnosť (Sole proprietorship)
Registration proof | Trade license from the Ministry of Interior, not older than 3 months. |
Slovenia (SI)
SI - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Delniška družba (d.d.) (Public limited company)
- Družba z omejeno odgovornostjo (d.o.o.) (Private company limited by shares)
- Družba z neomejeno odgovornostjo (d.n.o) (Unlimited company)
- Komanditna družba (k.d) (Limited partnership)
Registration proof | Certificate from the Slovenian Business Register, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Akt O Ustanovitvi (memorandum of association), the latest signed version. |
SI - Organization
Registration proof | Proof of registration, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
SI - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Samostojni podjetnik (s.p) (Sole proprietorship)
Registration proof | Proof of registration at AJPES, not older than 3 months. |
Spain (ES)
ES - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Sociedad Anonima (SA) (Public limited company)
- Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (SRL) (Limited liability company)
- Sociedad Limitada (S.L.L.) (Limited company)
- Sociedad Limitada Nueva Empresa ( SLNE) (New limited company)
- Sociedad Colectiva (SC) (Collective company)
- Sociedad Comanditaria Simple (Simple limited partnership)
- Sociedad Cooperativa (S.Coop.) (Cooperative)
- Sociedad Civil (Civil society)
- Comunidad de bienes (Community of goods)
Registration proof | One of the following, not older than three months:
Articles of association | Escrituras (statutes), the latest signed version. |
ES - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Asociacion (Association)
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the Registro Nacional de Asociaciones, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
ES - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Antonomo (Self-employed)
- Empresario Individual (Individual entrepreneur)
Registration proof | One of the following, not older than 3 months:
For more information, see the Infoempresa website. |
Sweden (SE)
SE - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Aktiebolag (AB) (Limited liability company)
- Handelsbolag (HB) (General partnership)
- Kommanditbolag (KB) (Limited partnership)
Registration proof | Certificate of registration from the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) or Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Bolagsordning (articles), the latest signed version. |
SE - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Ekonomisk förening (EF) (Cooperative)
- Ideell förening (IF) (Non-profit organization)
- Stiftelse (Foundation)
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) or Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
SE - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Enskild firma (Sole proprietorship)
- Enskild näringsidkare (Sole trader)
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) or Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), not older than 3 months. |
Switzerland (CH)
CH - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Aktiengesellschaft (AG) (Joint-stock company)
- Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) (Limited liability company)
- Wirtschaftliche Interessengemeinschaft (wlG) (Economic interest group)
- Einfache Gesellschaft (eG) (Simple society)
- Kollektivgesellschaft (KolG) (General partnership)
- Kommanditgesellschaft (KG) (Limited partnership)
- Kommanditaktiengesellschaft (KomAG) (Limited stock corporation)
- Genossenschaft Kollektivgesellschaft (KolG) (Cooperative general society)
- Kommanditaktiengesellschaft (KomAG) (Limited stock corporation)
Registration proof | Proof of registration from the companies UID-Register, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statutes, the latest signed version. For the following local structures, articles of association may not be available, in which case a Shareholder declaration is required instead:
CH - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Stiftung (Foundation)
- Verein (Association)
Registration proof | Certificate of registration from the Central Business Registry (if monthly income is above 100K CHF), not older than 3 months. If not available, statutes or constitution document (PV), not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
CH - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Einzelunternehmen (Sole trader)
Registration proof | Screenshot from the UID-Register, not older than 3 months. |
GB - Business
Local structures considered in this type:
- Private Limited Company (Ltd)
- Private Company limited by shares
- Public Limited Company (PLC)
- Company Limited by Guarantee
- Unlimited Company (UNLTD)
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- General Partnership
- Limited Partnership (LP)
- Private partnership
- Community Interest Company (CIC)
Registration proof | Company snapshot from Companies House (recommended, accessible via company page (URI) > tab More > View company information snapshot), or else latest confirmation statement or annual return, not older than 3 months. |
Articles of association | Certificate of incorporation, the latest signed version. |
GB - Organization
Local structures considered in this type:
- Nonprofit organization
- Charity
- Private Limited Company by guarantee without share capital use of ‘Limited’ exemption
- Scottish Charitable incorporated organization (Registered at OSCR)
Registration proof | Proof of registration, not older than 3 months, from Companies House, the Charity Commission, or the Scottish Charity Regulator. |
Articles of association | Memorandum of association, the latest signed version. |
GB - Soletrader
Local structures considered in this type:
- Sole trader
Registration proof | Proof of registration from HMRC, not older than 3 months, or Self Assessment Tax Return. |
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