Identity proof best practices
Both natural and legal users must provide an official identity document (ID) as proof of identity during the verification process. For legal users, it is the entity’s who must provide proof of identity.
Caution - Accepted documents vary by country
Not all kinds of official identity documents are accepted for all countries. Check which documents can be submitted per country in the Accepted ID documents article.
Best practices
When uploading files, it is very important that the user respects the best practices below to ensure that the document can be read and verified.
If any of the guidelines are not respected, it may result in an error or delay in processing the document.
The document should be:
One of the accepted documents from the country of issue
Consistent with the information provided for the user
For passports: one file (double-page spread) uploaded to one KYC Document API object.
For ID cards, driving licenses, residence permits: two files (front and back) uploaded to one KYC Document API object.
Valid and up to date
For a person aged over 18
A color photo (rather than a scan from an image scanner, like a flatbed photocopier or a printer)
Between 32KB and about 7MB (max. 10MB when encoded)
In one of the accepted formats: PNG, PDF, JPG, JPEG
See the how-to guide for guidance in technical implementation:
How to
Submit a KYC Document for verification
Errors to avoid
Below are some common errors than can lead to a document being refused:
Edges not fully visible
Machine-readable zone (MRZ), data, or photo not fully visible
Covered by anything, especially a finger
Glare or flash obscuring readability
Black and white
Card-type with both sides in one file
Two types of document submitted simultaneously (in the same file or not)